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Topics - Avimimus

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Feature Requests / Feature: Legacy Campaign/Map Mode (maps & campaign)
« on: February 16, 2012, 09:09:00 pm »

I like the fact that development is proceeding and the random map generation is neat. However, there are a couple of things I'd like back:
- I really liked some of the old smaller hand built maps. I'm not a fan of having of having every battle end inside the blue ship...
- I also really liked how in the 'base defense' missions the enemies spawned all over the place (as did the defenders) which made defense much more confusing and desperate (eg. having to get troops to link up with each other).
- I'm finding that air combat is often quite tedious (although it is sometimes fun, it would be nice to have the choice to turn it off)

If we had an option to return the overall map selection to match earlier releases would be great.

It would also be very cool if the Alien ship had sometimes already left (ie. the Alien party had been dropped off and were awaiting pickup). IMHO, the ships don't provide any fire support or attempt to escape. It would be more immersive if the chance to capture an Alien ship only came up in one out of every five combats (a rare event).


For another project I had to do some research and I ran across a number of rather neat looking and unusual weapon developments. I've selected a few of these which could have useful gameplay roles.

I'm posting this research here as some of these weapons could usefully expand tactical choices in the early campaign. All of these weapons have been built and some have seen service.

Check out the links for videos and some statistics (I can find more if wanted).

1. Russian Pribor-3B Meroka/Nordenfelt three barrelled 7.62mm assault rifle:
- The weapon is very heavy, has low rate of fire compared to assault rifles (semi-automatic with high-recoil).
- However, each firing is more accurate than an assault rifle in "burst" mode and is superior at medium ranges.
- Only one fire mode is available. Lower range than sniper rifle. Larger magazine than most weapons.

Additional info:
- 1400 to 1800RPM semi-automatic burst with one bullet fired from each of the 3 barrels.
- Developed in the 1960s but is impractical for use against humans.
- Looks like it was designed to fight aliens (and could be useful in this role).

2.Russian TTX 80.002 SxS AK-74 derived 5.45mm/12.7mm Combination gun:,5629.0/highlight,12+7mm+ak.html

- AK-74 fire mode as normal assault rifle (with good armour penetrating ammunition options).
- Secondary 12.7mm semi-automatic carbine for superior point-blank stopping power / armour penetration.
- Would weigh more than assault rifles but have a short range alternate fire mode that could be quickly selected.

3. Russian GM-94 43mm Pump-action Grenade launcher:

- Lighter weight than the rotary grenade launcher and possibly a flatter trajectory.
- Self-consuming thermobaric grenade option can be safely fired at 10 metres from the target & indoors.
- Only 4 rounds prior to reloading (also lower rate of fire compared to the rotary grenade launcher).

4. Croatian RT-20 recoilless 20mm anti-material rifle:

- Far superior damage to the sniper rifle.
- Able to engage in reactive fire (unlike the rocket launcher).
- Only a single shot can be fired prior to reloading.

5. American M202 Flash Grenadier 66mm four-barrelled incendiary rocket launcher:

- Alternate two and four round burst fire modes
- Less accurate than heavy rocket (bombarding an area)
- Greater parabolic trajectory
- Uses up ammunition very quickly



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