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Topics - FrozenWerewolf

Pages: [1]
Discussion / Reverting reaction fire
« on: August 11, 2014, 06:53:30 am »
So, I decide to send a rifleman up near the corner of a wall, as he had seen an alien pass by it previously. I turn on reaction fire and am expecting the alien to pop out again, so, theoretically, my rifleman would be approaching the corner with his weapon aimed just past it, ready to fire as soon as he sees something. I end the turn and the alien does indeed walk by. My rifleman does absolutely nothing. The alien proceeds to turn to face him, casually raises his gun, and then shoots my soldier in the face, killing him. Ugh.

I'd rather not have to wait for aliens to appear, walk around in circles, and perform a little dance in front of my soldiers before they can shoot, so I ask: is there a way to revert the reaction fire system back to the original "soldier fires as soon as they see something"? I searched and found something about adding an autoexec.cfg file, but it seemed to be for earlier versions; I went ahead and tried it anyway and found that it didn't work. Didn't find anything in the Gameplay section of the Options menu either.

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