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Topics - lycanreaver

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Design / Idea for a new mission type and aircraft.
« on: September 20, 2013, 08:58:57 pm »
I know most of us have thought of the futuristic aircraft in this game, but what about the passenger craft that transports civilians to and from destinations. The futuristic planes and aircraft that most people woud expect in a futuristic era. I have an idea to have ai controlled passenger craft (only about 2 maybe 3 on the geoscope at a time) to fly from one destination to another, and have our interceptors as a kind of "bodyguard" for the craft to keep them from getting shot down, or have the passenger craft be cargo transporters going from naton to nation as commerce or between cities toteing supplies or other objects. There would also be a new type of rescue mission where if the craft was shot down you can go in and rescue/secure the craft from the aliens, and a possible new research for you to help better protect the craft wether it be better craft or better ways to conceal the craft. Just a suguestion no need to act on it, but would be cool to have in game, idk how much coding would have to be done to have the aliens attack the craft or prioritize between landing and harvesting versus targeting a craft in the sky. But i am looking forward to helping to put this in if it gets accepted, not much of a coder but i might be able to whip up some designs like the one i have attached

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