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Topics - anonymissimus

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When the market view is open, clicking onto "next base" in the top left sets the view to the next base's buildings instead of the previously viewed items category. This was not the case in 2.5.
If I, for instance, want to make sure that every base has exactly 20 incendiary grenades in its storage, I want to have the equipment category continuously open when switching through bases (as it was in 2.5). As it's now, an additional click is needed for every base, and I cannot immediately compare the goods amount. You can imagine how annoying doing it is to do that for lots of item types.
It does remember the category which was open though (primary weapons, secondary weapons and so on).

Load the attached save. In the geoscope, klick "show radar range". There is an UFO over North America. Klick onto the corresponding "UFO button" in the top left so that the geoscope view centers onto that UFO. This causes the radar ranges to disappear (which was not the case in 2.5).
It also happens for a lot of other actions, the view entering and leaving a base for instance. This is just the easiest way to reproduce I found.

2.6-dev built from git@20e5d1df0c9340977c46d866a46f8c8ae8636410

Tactics / My worst map: small village (called "england" in skirmish)
« on: August 29, 2014, 12:48:34 am »
Did anybody ever come out of this map saving more civilians than the two from the spawnpoints near the player's starting position (one near the red phone box, the other one in the backyard to the right) ? If so, using which tactics ?
The extremely annoying thing about this map is that it forces the player to waste its turn to move up the stairs. Killing aliens on first turn, posing as replacement target, throwing smoke at civilians, nothing helps or is possible. There's an evil wall to the left from the staircase, preventing shooting on 2 aliens that spawn on the plane with the playground. I still managed to kill 2 on my first turn this time (with grenade launcher, shooting over the wall), which is really a lot for this map. But 5 of 6 civilians died anyway, because the one from the backyard decided to pose by running upstairs to flee from an alien that killed my cannonfodder, instead of calculating that I would kill that alien anyway during my turn and allowing me to cover her in smoke. I once came out saving 50% of civilians, but only since there were only 4 of them - the two near to me survived. I recall that this map was already bloody in 2.4 even. Even more so in 2.5.

Tactics / Flashbang tactics
« on: August 26, 2014, 10:21:11 pm »
So, I see them recommended often but I almost never use them:
-There is no way to know whether it worked.
-It does not work against the most dangerous enemy - Sheevar. (Is this a bug ? Testing situations are rare, but I had it at least once that I was sure it should have worked.) I see them working against Taman and Ortnoks in 2.5.
-How near does it have to explode ? In any case, it needs to explode in the target unit's cone of vision or it will not work.
-The throwing unit mostly should or needs to move to the target unit to match the previous point, which should be expected to trigger reaction fire together with the time units needed for throwing/rolling. Often enemies are just too far away.

So, it's only useful in an emergency. If possible, always use smoke which has 100% chance of eliminating reaction fire.

Additionally, it seems to work against civilians but not against Phalanx soldiers, which doesn't make sense. (Is this a bug ?)

Bugs in stable version (2.5) / Alien corpse bugs
« on: August 23, 2014, 02:47:03 am »
1) Alien corpses can be stored in a base without containment, but only so long as the game isn't reloaded. After saving/loading, they are gone. So, depending on the expected behavior, either they should need to be transferred to a base with containment (or deleted if there's nowhere a containment), or they should not be deleted during a save/load cycle.

2) If the alien containment is destructed early on, researching hovernet and blood spider later on is impossible, as only their combat versions still appear, together with all technologies depending on those.

Bugs in stable version (2.5) / Stunning and killing stunned aliens
« on: August 17, 2014, 06:55:05 pm »
Killing a stunned alien only seems to work with weapons that do area damage (for instance: grenade launcher or grenades) even though the chance to hit shows 100% for a standard weapon such as the laser rifle.
Stunning happens extremely frequently for aliens, for instance, just when being hit by a plasma rifle snapshot from reaction fire. (It's a great help however.) It never happened for me yet. What determines whether a unit gets stunned ?

Not sure whether these are bugs... I try to kill stunned aliens, because I've seen them "reviving", especially Ortnoks. Now, if that happens right in my back...

Bugs in stable version (2.5) / Enabling/disabling sound
« on: August 14, 2014, 11:01:58 pm »
Re-enabling sound (checkbox "Enable Audio") after unchecking it doesn't work, there's no music. UI sounds work. This is while in the geoscape.
If re-enabling happens during a tactical mission, the game crashes.
Even in the first case, the program suspiciously freezes for a second or two.

console output:

------- sound initialization -------
SDL_mixer version: 1.2.11
... requested audio rate: 44100
... driver: 'pulse'
... audio rate: 44100
... audio channels: 2
... loaded ogg vorbis support
Error: Received signal 11.

Bugs in stable version (2.5) / suspected bugs related to XVI
« on: August 07, 2014, 07:00:43 pm »
1) When I open my campaign save - see picture below. The image should show the Atlantic Ocean. There is an easy workaround, namely, starting a new campaign and then loading the save without exiting that instance of the program, so it seems to be some kind of initialization problem ?!
It started to happen at the time the first supply ships had shown up.

2) The button in the geoscape gui which should activate the XVI map is sometimes visible and sometimes not, I haven't yet determined when and when not. However, the fact whether XVI is researched doesn't seem to influence this.
This also started to happen at the time the first supply ships had shown up.

3) The current XVI infection is always at 0% according to statistics (again, whether I have it researched or not). How, where, when, how much should XVI spread ? Forum says it spreads from alien bases; however, there were several at the same time as far as I can tell, and neither the statistics nor the XVI map (if it works - does it ?) ever shows some spread. Of course, it's possible that I just controlled it too well and there's simply nothing.

Feature Requests / Accidentally hitting return
« on: August 07, 2014, 12:07:08 am »
This happened a few times for me now. The return key is directly besides those keys that move the battlescape camera up or down. Needless to say, ending the turn unexpectedly is fatal. So, can we please unbind this key, bind it to something else etc.
Freeorion comes into my mind, their end turn button is intentionally small and placed far away from other buttons because of this. The return key however is the largest on the keyboard.
Can I perhaps set something in a file to unbind or rebind the key ?

Attached is a save with a Herakles dropship holding over an "Old Mine" mission in southern Africa. Attempting to start that mission fails.

So this will be my first lost mission since I need to ignore it. Not too much of a difference, as this is one of the bloodiest maps. None of the civilians placed inside of the mine have any chance to survive. I only managed to save at least half of the civilians only once out of many times, since in that case there were only 4 and 2 of them on the surface.

Bugs in stable version (2.5) / Not enough spawn points for team 1
« on: July 03, 2014, 08:36:29 pm »
Load the attached save. There is a raptor dropship holding over a mission in China. (Attempt to) start the mission - game hangs.

I suppose that maps need to have spawn points for the case of a raptor dropship then.

It's not the dropship in particular. If the player sends only 8 units, it's fine.

I had this situation the third time now or so.
Right at the start on my mission, the very first time units I use at all I consume for throwing a smoke grenade, which I did carry in hands already. That's 8 time units, but it triggers reaction fire from a plasmablaster ball which is 8 as well. In the forums I've read that the spent time units need to be strictly greater than the time units of the selected reaction fire mode. Thus something is wrong here. (Perhaps forum is wrong and it needs to be greater or equal though ?)

I think that it's bugged in quite some more ways btw - I can see "245 time units needed" and stuff. There seem to be reasons it triggers much less than it should, which means death, because the exact same line in the other direction the AI unit can shoot even though it needs more time units than the reaction fire, but my unit didn't. And so on.

Bugs in stable version (2.5) / shot selection popup doesn't close
« on: June 09, 2014, 06:51:32 pm »
Look at the attached screenshot - I just led the menu pop up. In 2.4 it was so that if i click again in this exact UI situation (green cross is the mouse), the shot selection popup closes. This no longer works, I have to select some shot and then left click. So this is annoying extra clicking while evaluating my options.

Discussion / Impressions on 2.5 vs 2.4
« on: May 21, 2014, 10:18:45 pm »
sick bay:
Why is it now so that all hired soldiers are always displayed ? In 2.4 it was a quick overview how many and which soldiers are wounded.

equipping soldiers:
Being able to equip via the employees menu is of course very useful, but removing a soldier from the dropship should still auto-unequip that soldier, as that's what's needed, most of the time, since the equipment is needed for the soldier replacing him/her. If he/she is reequipped through the employees menu, that equipment should of course be kept then. At least it should be configurable with an option; or, for instance, what about assigning the "remove all equipment for this soldier" action to the right-click menu in the menu where soldiers are assigned to the dropship (aircraft menu) ? Both functionalities are already present elsewhere, so supposedly an easy task, and that way it's also possible to keep equipment based on the soldier and current situation. Alternatively, add a "remove all" button in the aircraft menu. The way it's now, I always need to switch to the equipment screen before or after removing soldiers just to remove all of their equipment.

bleeding and increasing needed TUs:
I actually like this change, as it's more realistic, and aliens (Taman at least, probably all biologic ones) bleed as well, but don't seem to have any medikits, so it's actually more an advantage for Phalanx than something increasing the difficulty, and makes wounding an alien much more valuable than it used to be.
I hope the sick bay is more efficient in healing than in 2.4 though, where I sometimes take heavily wounded soldiers onto the battlefield and immediately heal them with a medikit because it's so much faster.

soldier clothing styles (urban, arctic and so on):
The choices got removed, supposedly because they don't have effect ? Good.

the weight system:
While optimizing the carried weight, the popup informing about not enough time units is very annoying. It needs to be clicked away all the time. The flashing red warning below the soldier image is perfectly sufficient. Please make this configurable. (show this popup ? yes/no)
I mean, the carried weight should be arranged so, that it is as close as possible to half the maximum carrying capacity, but doesn't go above that, thus there's no TU penalty. Unless the goal is to get a speed boost, of course.
Also, the weight display would be more useful if it displayed (in addition) the weight the soldier is able to carry in addition without suffering a TU penalty. And perhaps the maximum carrying capacity displayed should instead be the half of that, since that's the value the player is more interested in.
Perhaps like so
15.5 (+1) / 33 (16.5) Kg
where the numbers in brackets are the additional possible weight and the de-facto maximum weight.

I just discovered that the popup is non-modal, permanently placing it in one corner seems a way to go.

I haven't played 2.5 enough to really comment on it, but if there are less UFOs, there is much less money from selling those, or their parts, and the loot from the resulting missions. Thus nations should pay a lot more, to have the same money, since costs for buildings and equipment as well as maintenance costs seem to be the same.

map design:
This is the worst part. There are less UFOs to make the game less tedious and more map variation to make it interesting I suppose. *But* even for scouts and so on, there are now huge maps, such as the "mansion", which is a pure pain in the ass. I suppose these maps are designed to be visually attractive, not fun to play (Table tennis on a balcony is nonsense though, the ball would fall to the ground all the time.) This map is huge, one can keep searching for hours (real time) just for that one moment when you spot an enemy. Thus, playing a few such maps is more tedious in the end than playing a lot of those small maps in 2.4 - fighter crash, bridge, scout crash and the generic crashed UFO which appears in variations. On those maps it is often so that one can see all enemies right from the start and kill 2 or 3 in the first turn. This often leads to ideal battle results. I don't complain about most or all weapons being deadlier, just about that it's not fun to search large maps (in particular, maps with a lot of levels).
Also, the crashed UFO is seldom (never ?) visible. In 2.4 one can detect the remaining number of enemies from the UFO type. Say, it's a scout, you already killed 1 and see 2, thus there can none be hiding somewhere and ambush you. That's a huge tactical advantage. In 2.5 it is necessary to somehow track the UFO type by out-of-game means...

Bugs in stable version (2.5) / Infrared glasses don't work !!!
« on: April 30, 2014, 09:45:09 pm »
I think I never spotted an enemy so far with them. Their range at least hasn't changed.
I just had a situation where I really should have seen the enemy. A unit of mine got killed on the other side of a wall (standing alone without reaction fault) and the next turn the suicidal kerrblade runner immediately came around the corner, as expected (and died from reaction fire), so it really still was around the position where my dead unit was. I looked several times with infrared glasses, there was only one thin wall and my dead unit short way on the other side. So there's something wrong here or am I missing something ?
The unit was a Taman, just in case non-infrared visible units exist, but even blood spiders are, despite being fully robotic.

ufoai 2.5 amd 64
self compiled from git@5a41b99e06e942608d48b63914df4d2dc5076ae7
ubuntu precise

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