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Messages - wishper

Pages: [1]
Coding / Re: Requesting help from Java programmer
« on: February 15, 2010, 12:55:51 pm »
Never mind, I found everything in the wiki  ;D
Now I could start experimenting. I actually have atm very few spare time, but if I make progress I'll post them here. A question: since the semantics look like very different from script to script, I think that a dedicated editor is a better choice.

Is there an order of preference (I guess so) for the editors to be written?

Coding / Re: Requesting help from Java programmer
« on: February 15, 2010, 10:45:45 am »
Hi to everyone! This is my first post here :)

Now I'll tell you a funny story:
I really enjoyed this game (I completed the 2.2.1 version about a week ago, and now trying the 2.3...). I looked at the changelog in the home page and noticed that the coding activity is really strong around this project, and was really amused of that. Then I came in this forum to see how the things were going (and to see if someone had a working binary to let me try 2.3 (there are not on the home site...).

Today, I asked myself a question: could I contribute to this marvelous project? I guessed I could not,since I'm not a C++ programmer (I'm a java one). Then I came in this forum: a sticky note calling for java programmers! I couldn't believe, requiring eclipse pluginning :) (my current work, though I'm not an expert...).....

A suggestion: from my knowledge, xText looks far better, but if you can get expertize from EMF better to get that one...

Now a question: assume I don't know anything about UFO:AI, beside having played standard campaign in 2.2.1. What are you looking for?  I think it is something related to scripting. Where can I know more? In the wiki?


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