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Messages - SainnQ

Pages: [1]
Discussion / Re: Gameover with only one member of the UN in bad shape?
« on: January 10, 2010, 12:23:43 am »
There is a thread with lots of exes. Problem is that the last complete installer (that you might want to get) was a bit buggy with problems that were quiet unnerving. The bugfix (the last exe) is not a complete installation.

I'm not a real expert, but I would wait for the next full exe, which shouldn't be long.

But perhaps more experiences users can help you better than I can. :)


Looks like I'm stuck with version 2.1 then Hehe.

Discussion / Re: Gameover with only one member of the UN in bad shape?
« on: January 09, 2010, 06:52:04 pm »
Play 2.3. ;)

2.2.1 is very old. There are tons of interesting features + new weapons + more story in 2.3


Is a downloadable installer available? Or will I have to do a bit of tinkering with code programs to compile alot of stuff?

Discussion / Re: Gameover with only one member of the UN in bad shape?
« on: January 09, 2010, 06:11:02 pm »
...And which version of the game are you playing?

The 2.3 development builds are very different from the 2.2.1 release (which is over a year old now), and even different still is 2.2.0 which some people play then come to this forum because they downloaded the game from a third-party site with an older version.

The different versions have somewhat different win/lose conditions.

Edit:  The game also tracks how many civilians get killed, and that can also trigger a lost game, even if nations don't get that upset.

I'm not dealing with any Infection, I haven't seen any Biolandmass, if such exists.

I'm playing with the 2.2.1 stable build, should I be playing with a different build?

Because as it stands, having only one nation peeved kill my game is utterly retarded.

It would be alot easier if the reasons for a gameover besides you losing all your bases were more obvious :/

Discussion / Gameover with only one member of the UN in bad shape?
« on: January 09, 2010, 02:46:17 pm »
Just how low on the rating scale do UN nations need to go before it's a game over?

I've just about every other UN nation happy with my performance except oceania.
Is the game SUPPOSED to gameover with just one UN member nation "giving up" ?

Windows / Client won't run Fullscreen
« on: January 08, 2010, 10:29:12 pm »
So I recently stumbled across this jewel, and I've yet to be able to get it to permanently run in fullscreen, crashes every single time. The only way I can get it to full screen is via starting two clients, the second of which for some bizarre reason won't crash whatsoever.

Would there be a command line I could add to the executable to force fullscreen?

Also, incase anyone was wondering.
Comp specs below

Intel Duo Core 2 2ghz
4gb of 1066mhz DDR3 ram.
Nvidia 9700m GTS 512mb
Windows Home Premium x64

Pages: [1]