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Messages - thebiggestjimbo

Pages: [1]
Feature Requests / Reaction Fire Change??? NEW IDEA
« on: October 08, 2009, 02:51:34 am »
I find the reaction fire as it currently is to detract a bit from the game, as you do most of your killings this way and totally less so with direct fire.

Ive read other proposals but i  reckon a good way to make this a bit more tactical would be to keep mulitple shots but make the field of vision for soldiers on reaction fire much less, perhaps 30 degress or less instead of the 90 it is now... (or 180 as it seems sometimes) and also charge a lot more TU's, perhaps half. So its kind of like an overwatch where you would cover entry points and pin aliens down behind cover, and would make you try and flank overwatch field positions.

This could be shown in the FPV or as an area line of sight in the overhead display.

Perhaps also have the option to have the option of a wider overwatch field of vision but at the expense of range, so it takes into account if soldiers are pinpointed on a certain area or looking all around at different areas and so wouldnt be able to traverse guns so easier at a specific area.

What does people think?


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