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Messages - Talon112

Pages: [1]
Design / Re: Possible Mission Briefing blurbs
« on: January 07, 2009, 12:05:38 am »
Ok, Updated version of a mission briefing. This would be for a medium sized UFO; most likely a Harvester or Supply Ship in a Village setting.

>PHALANX Mission index<
>Sign in...<

>Loading briefing,

PHALANX interception craft have shot down a UFO in this area. The local military has cordoned off the area and have called for our team to clear the crash site. As the crash has incurred heavy collateral damage in the small village we should assume some of the crew survived. Seeing this as the most possible case, we advise extreme caution when approaching the crash.

Your primary objective is to secure the crash site for retrieval by PHALANX trailers who are holding position with the local military. Secondary objectives include capturing the crew alive for interrogation, and protecting the remaining villagers.

You will be dropping into a village area, so be ready for close combat with hostiles. Also, be advised that some of the locals have remained in the area, watch for friendly fire.

Intel reports few buildings, none of them being more than wood huts. The UFO impacted, then skidded to a stop in the northern part of the map. Close Combat and burst fire weaponry are advised for clearing buildings.

Design / Possible Mission Briefing blurbs
« on: January 05, 2009, 02:56:41 am »
Hey all, I've been thinking about something I read in another thread:

Mission Briefings before tactical combat.

Here's an example of one for a Supply Ship crash site.


Your team has been ordered to secure the crash site of a medium sized UFO that's been brought down by our interceptors. Be careful as some of the aliens may have survived the crash.
The local military has cordoned off the area, but there are still civilians in the immediate vicinity, so make sure to check your fire.

Mission will be concidered a success once all alien presence has been rendered incapable of combat. If you need to evacuate the mission zone, return all team members to the dropship.

Good Luck, Lieutenant.

Design / Re: about the aircrafts.
« on: January 04, 2009, 12:03:42 am »
Actually, my biggest problem with the Dragon is its name. Every other interceptor in PHALANX' arsenal starts with an 'S' except the Dragon: Saracen, Stiletto, Starchaser, Stingray.
I hereby propose that the name be changed into something similar but with an 's.' (in the English translation, at least) A quick online thesaurus lookup yields a few reasonable alternatives: Savage, Scylla, Serpent, Siren, Spitfire.

I agree with Psawhn.

I even have my own suggestion for a new name: Salamander.

« on: January 03, 2009, 11:56:49 pm »
Zardox raises some good arguments.

I don't really like the virus as it sits now, Maybe mix up some of the story lines into something more believable?

Splitting the invaders into two or even three factions would be a fun twist. Sometimes they all work together, but then, sometimes they starts to infight, especially when a plan goes wrong.

The 'Terror Sites' smack of UFO:EU, I thought you were trying for a different angle than that, but keep the spirit?

Anyway, if I wasn't tired after work, I'd pen up a version of my own.

Design / Re: Managing Mundane vs. Cutting Edge Gear and Equipment
« on: December 29, 2008, 03:14:04 pm »
Personally, I've only used the Flamer once in a mission, and it was a waste of time because I don't seem to get clumps of aliens all in one area.

IMO, shotgun is better for urban maps, but flamer has it's uses for some situations.

Besides, if your planet was under attack by aliens, would you want to limit your retaliation options?

Look at Independence Day, they eventually used Nukes on their own country to try and take out one of the big saucers.

Design / Re: Interceptions and Air Combat in general
« on: December 24, 2008, 10:45:38 pm »
Thanks BTAxis, I had seen that.

Wasn't sure it was being implemented or not in a future release. Cheers for the clarification. I've been getting a bit huffy about the direct geoscape air combat, that's all.

A little off topic here though: What's happening with the UGVs, are they implemented or being implemented soon?

Design / Interceptions and Air Combat in general
« on: December 24, 2008, 04:37:04 am »
Hey, I know I'm a total unknown, but I have a suggestion for the interception aspect of the game.

The main focus is of course the ground battle and such, but I think an immersive, but easy to play air battle system may work better than the current (v2.2.1 build) way of doing it.

Simply put, I believe an interface that comes up when two craft meet in mid-air would be much better than the current high range engagements on the geoscape.

I think this was brought up in the wiki, but I think we could benefit from a discussion on the forums too.

My idea is similar to the inspiration behind this game, X-Com UFO Defence. Or one of the commercial ancestors in UFO: Aftermath.

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