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Messages - BrettTurner

Pages: [1]
Discussion / Re: 2.4: Where are the UFOs?
« on: December 15, 2012, 04:52:06 pm »
Thank you for replying.

So "Simple Campaign" means "unfinished campaign with no UFOs," and not just "shorter campaign for people who just want to try this new game out without making a major time commitment?"  Geez.

A better description of the "Simple Campaign" would make the game a whole lot more attractive to new users.

Discussion / 2.4: Where are the UFOs?
« on: December 15, 2012, 06:30:46 am »
Tooling along in the simple campaign in version 2.4.  30-odd missions so far, pretty straightforward, but not a single flying UFO.  Two bases with radar and three other radar towers, gray circles on the map.  I never find a flying UFO, all I get are terror missions.

Also, some of the terror missions have a UFO on the ground, but I never get a UFO in my UFO yard, which is just about touching my main base.

Am I doing something wrong here?  Is there some switch for turning on the radar that I missed?  Do I need to send interceptors on these terror missions along with the drop ship?

Very confused about where all the UFOs are.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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