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Messages - DrunkenStranger

Pages: [1]
Translating / Re: Russian translation
« on: July 02, 2014, 05:52:50 pm »
2.5 release, pilots param "укланение" must be "уклонение"

Design / Re: Base Defence
« on: August 29, 2012, 10:40:20 pm »
In x-com: apoclypse was one itresting feature: enemies may not enter your base - only bomb it to full destruction from air. And that was great because in x-com: UFO Defence i never tried to itercept enemy battleship directed to my base. why? they any case lands - then i got undamaged ufo with all bonuces.

just little remark

Artwork / Re: Armor model updates
« on: July 06, 2012, 11:31:55 pm »
yes, im sure
in tactical mission i have only one: models should have more colors (now they all just in grey variations)
in hire/equip menu most of soldiers now are ugly: heads looks terrible, bodies has stupid poses and too small arms in (shoulders part)

i just want to see soldiers not so ugly to get some joy

Artwork / Re: Armor model updates
« on: July 02, 2012, 03:00:56 pm »
new soldier models looks ugly ;(
i mean only textures, not animation
they all too similar, even with different armor
is there any planned work to improve this?

Translating / Re: Russian translation
« on: June 20, 2012, 04:36:37 pm »
ускорительная пушка имхо звучит не менее глупо чем пучковая
лучевое оружие думаю пока самый адекватный вариант
канечна под этот термин попадают и все лазерные пушки и все что угодно

мы не в состоянии генерировать достаточно энергии, чтобы снабжать орудие в полете. Если мы хотим использовать лучевое орудие в бою, нам придется овладеть их энергосистемой, работающей на антиматерии.
согласен. по идее надо примерно так:
мы не в состоянии уместить достаточный для работы орудия генератор энергии на борту самолета. Если мы хотим использовать лучевое орудие в бою, нам придется овладеть их энергосистемой, работающей на антиматерии.

Design / Re: I miss for X-Com: Apocalypse
« on: June 04, 2012, 10:28:38 pm »
That was really fit in X-Com: Apocalypse. I see no reason to doubt that in UFO AI.

PHALANX is not a corporate organization
Why not? This is close organization with you in head. PHALANX main customers is national governments, but there is another financial sources. Technically, PHALANX can survive only with alien technology selling.

The only real 'competitors' are national/supranational militaries, which I don't think would really want to compete with PHALANX
National military and PHALANX is different levels. National military means 1000 tanks in one region. PHALANX means a point operations everywhere (like hitman, like corporation tactical squad).

Didn't those corporation spring up and gain their power due to the various hilariously lopsided alien invasions?
Some corporations - yes, some corporations lose their power on it.

Design / I miss for X-Com: Apocalypse
« on: April 25, 2012, 01:05:10 pm »
Why PHALANX is alone organization in the world? Id like to see another 10-20 corporations with they own government, interests, methods, bases and tactical squads.

  • Changes in organization government can change organization interests and methods.
  • Each organization has they own financial sources.
  • Organizations can attack or help PHALANX aircrafts, bases.
  • They can visit PHALANX tactical or wait for PHALANX clear the territory and attack us.

For example
Type: pharmaceutical corporation
Government: 5 main shareholders
PHALANX alignment: neutral
Alien connections: unknown
Interests: advanced neurobiological research with alien technologies to improve own profit
Methods: payoffs and spying
Bases: blah blah blah
Tactical squads: blah blah blah

Pages: [1]