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Messages - falcon74656

Pages: [1]
Discussion / Re: Equipping soldiers and craft assignment
« on: March 06, 2012, 01:05:18 am »
Thanks for the reply, I understand implementing some things may not be easy and can take time.

Apart from this issue (at least for me, others may not care), it seems to be a great game.


Discussion / Equipping soldiers and craft assignment
« on: March 05, 2012, 01:54:46 pm »
Hi all,

I'm fairly new to UFA AI (have been playing about a month game time) but have played and enjoyed all of the original X-com series and some of the similar ones out there.

The game appears pretty good over all so far, with a number of nice additions such as installations.

I'm playing version 2.4 dev and the only major gripe that I have is not being able to equip soldiers when they are not assigned to a craft and having those that are equipped lose their items when they have been unassigned and having to go through the whole process again. Am I missing something? Has this been in all versions and for a reason? It has been a number of years since playing the original X-com but from what I recall once you equipped a soldier, they kept their configuration and equipment (assuming their was sufficient supply at base) until you chose to change it. I cannot actually recall an X-com style game where this has been the case.

There is a lot of micro managing in the game as it is (with both positive and negative sides) but this just seems to be a bit over board. It seems to me to be common sense to equip certain soldiers with set equipment based on their strengths or on the basis of having a well rounded team. Personally (and  I know that a lot of others do the same) I rename the soldier for easy ID eg Sniper 1 would carry a sniper rifle and Heavy 1 would have a rocket launcher, so that mission assignment can be done quickly, particularly if your regular has been wounded and is not available. Having to sit their and reassign every piece of equipment whenever a new soldier is assigned is quit tedious and will probably be very time consuming overall as the game progresses.

In short, is this deliberate? A bug? An oversight? The more popular option?
Can it be addressed???

Well that's my only big gripe, as a whole, well done to all those that have contributed.


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