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Messages - Tasoth cmdr.

Pages: [1]
Discussion / Re: X-Com veteran's initial impressions...
« on: February 29, 2008, 11:18:24 pm »
--Oh, that civs! I just hate them! ))
Their presence usual kills tactical aspect of the battle. Instead of careful advance, accordinп to your great plan of operation you rush headlond to protect those lambs, covering them with your body, dyind, loading and the same story again and again.

--in old ufos there were movement detectors. And we really need them. There are huge levels with lots of rooms, hiding places and so on. I can spend half an hour to find the last alien

--destructable surface is good. but not to much. it would kill tactic!

Do we really need skins for workers, medics and scientists since they are all the same?!
i think better make some more faces for soldiers. (by the way does anyone notice, their heads are just a little too big, huh???)
And about hiring system -- why is a separate set of emloyees fo every base? i think better to have one set of available employees and few ours before hired men will be delivered to certain base.

Discussion / Re: Dogfights
« on: February 29, 2008, 10:58:45 pm »
Stileto whit 3x Rocket launcher range7 and computer/ecm. Fire 3 rocket at 1 and load/save to kill ufo. 1hit-kill. Ufo or stileto  >:(
load\save is a "good" tactic, yeah... ))

And the only one effective equipment is 3 rocket launchers. And all othe stuff is total unusable. So why this tons of research, hours of production?..

We need much more balanced and playable aircraft management and air-to-air battle system

Discussion / Re: Recoil?
« on: February 24, 2008, 10:37:30 pm »
Don't like that recoil idea. think it's allready counted in weapon stats.
Ex: laser pistol -- no recoil -- high accuracy
     particle pistol -- high recoil, low weight -- medium accuracy
     particle cannon -- high recoil, high weight -- low accuracy

nothing else is needed

Discussion / Re: Dogfights
« on: February 24, 2008, 10:29:29 pm »
I see rockets flying on the geoscape
that miserable one pixel dots?.. Oh well... ))

Maybe minigames in ufo 1,2 wan't that good, but it Was more exciting.

And by the way, does anyone use shiva cannon or particle cannon or T-sometheng rockets?
shiva's range is to small and other two slow you down. so all we've got is good old one-pixel-rocket fighting.

Discussion / Dogfights
« on: February 23, 2008, 08:11:58 pm »
Will there be a minigame or something like that for the dogfights like in the very first ufo games.
it's quite sad, than nothing more than pre equip depends on me. of course i don't want a full-fledged flight simulator :) but most of times i helplessly behold my interseptor and alien ship shot down each other with the rockets and shey just silently disappear from the radars. it's a Dogfight! there should be just something.

Tactics / Re: New Base interceptors?
« on: February 23, 2008, 07:43:41 pm »
i've got same bug with my dropships. full equipped and fueled dropship with men onboard doesn't shown in the list when i click on a mission. And if i start it manually it can fly to the mission and back without any problem.

several days later one of my 2 dropships begin to appear on the list, and the second one still doesn't  :(

And by the way. is there any reason to use an interceptor as a dropship? what can a single man do? well ... Rambo maybe ))

Pages: [1]