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Messages - JohnnyTwoTimes

Pages: [1]
Windows / UFO:AI won't start
« on: October 01, 2011, 02:11:40 pm »
Hey everyone,

After hearing good things about this game I decided to download it and give it a try. Unfortunately, my game never makes it past the startup phase. When I run the executable, the console is shown for a short while, after which the game appears to launch (I think - it's just a black screen) and immediately crashes. Explorer.exe always crashes along with it.

My computer: Windows 7 x64, ATI radeon 4850 HD, 4gb ram
edit: catalyst drivers are up to date, a couple of months old at worst.

Versions I've tried: 2.3.1, 2.4-dev-1301086950  (same problem for both .3 and .4) - updated 2.4 to 1315653194

Things I've tried:
- disabled Aero
- all available compatibility launch options
- "-windowed" "-w" and another often recommended launch option which I don't remember (/ufo set... something)
- downloaded someone else's config.cfg file and put it in the correct folder (I never had my own config file)
- set fullscreen and the intro movie parameters to "0" in config
- set resolution to 1920*1080 in config to be sure (some games seem to crash when they launch in a different resolution)
- enabled Triple Buffering for OpenGL in my video card's control panel

My console log is remarkably short:

Code: [Select]
2011/10/01 13:56:11 UFO: Alien Invasion 2.4-dev IA-32 Sep 10 2011 Win32 DEBUG build 1315653194
2011/10/01 13:56:11
----- network initialization -------
2011/10/01 13:56:11 libcurl/7.19.4 zlib/1.2.5 initialized.
2011/10/01 13:56:11
------ server initialization -------
2011/10/01 13:56:11 added 8 maps to the mapcycle
2011/10/01 13:56:11
----- console initialization -------
2011/10/01 13:56:11 Console initialized.
2011/10/01 13:56:11
------- video initialization -------
2011/10/01 13:56:12 SDL version: 1.2.14
2011/10/01 13:56:12 I: desktop depth: 32bpp
2011/10/01 13:56:12 I: video memory: 0
2011/10/01 13:56:12 I: Available resolutions: 1920x1080 1776x1000 1680x1050 1600x1200 1600x900 1440x900 1400x1050 1366x768 1360x1024 1360x768 1280x1024 1280x960 1280x800 1280x768 1280x720 1152x864 1152x648 1024x768 848x480 800x600 720x576 720x480 640x480 (23)
2011/10/01 13:56:12 I: video driver: windib
2011/10/01 13:56:12 I: setting mode -1
2011/10/01 13:56:12 I: set multisample buffers to 0
2011/10/01 13:56:12 I: set swap control to 0

Does anyone know what might be causing this problem?

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