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Messages - Bonegnasher

Pages: [1]
Discussion / Re: Release 2.2 discussion
« on: January 13, 2008, 08:48:09 pm »
Is anyone else having problems with framerates (fps) on battle maps in 2.2? I get 75 fps (my refresh rate) in Geoscape, and less than three fps on the tactical map. Ihave a dual core with 8600GTvid card, so equipment shouldn't be the problem. I've tried dropping resolution, etc., with no appreciable change.

Discussion / Re: Critical Hits/Coup De Grace/Melee Damage Modifiers
« on: January 12, 2008, 06:30:11 pm »
I may have missed it somewhere in the thread here as I'm downloading 2.2, but isn't coup de grace the wrong name for what you're coding?  A coup de grace is and always has been a merciful blow to finish off / end the suffering of a wounded and usually incapacitated foe.  It is not a stealth move or sneak attack (unless you're talking about an alien not being aware of being shot because it is lying at your feet bleeding out or unconscious).  Standing behind an opponent and shooting them or melee-ing from behind is not a coup de grace.

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