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Messages - EuchreJack

Pages: [1] 2 3
Discussion / Re: AI versus "logical choices"
« on: March 01, 2008, 11:53:35 pm »
Just out of curiousity, what weapons were the front and rear soldier using?  If I was the alien, I'd probably attack the rear soldier if he/she was equiped w/particle weaponry and the front soldier was equiped with a conventional handgun.

Discussion / Re: Play Report
« on: February 20, 2008, 05:00:02 am »
I actually remember in a beta for 2.2, released near the end of 2007, that there was a base info screen.  This screen gave lots of good info, such as available space for personel, aliens, aircraft, lab space, etc.
But, it didn't make it into version 2.2.

I wonder where it went?  :'(

Discussion / Re: Weapon balancing/finetuning
« on: February 20, 2008, 04:49:06 am »
First off, in my opinion there should be no max range whatsoever save for weapons like the plasma series which feature dissipating projectiles, where they would make sense. Let spread naturally determine maximum effective ranges rather than arbitrarily posing needless limitations.

I kind of like this idea.  I remember hearing that a pistol bullet fired expertly can travel over a mile, by angling the bullet up.  What if projectile weapons had a maximum range, and over that range there would be a 50/50 chance the bullet would hit the dirt?  Then, we wouldn't see bullets disappear into the abyss.  Though, the grenade launcher might be more limited than other projectile weapons, due to it's high mass and low velocity relative to other projectile weapons.  Same for thrown weapons.

Also, the non-projectile weapons generally involve a beam, which would lose coherence with range.  Technically, the beam weapons should lose strength with range, until they can't penetrate the uniforms.

Tactics / Re: New Base interceptors?
« on: February 13, 2008, 12:33:01 am »
My dropship has never made the list of possible interceptors, and it's unarmed.  Plus, a stilleto can go on a mission, so I don't think it has to do with the dropship being my dropship.  Still, I haven't tested it.

Discussion / Re: Base Assault
« on: February 13, 2008, 12:26:30 am »
That sounds like a very unnecessary dividing of the usually limited soldiers available.
Actually, a security team wouldn't divide up the limited resources of personnel, since if a base had an aircraft present, such a force wouldn't be needed (they could just deploy out of the dropship and defend the base, in a manner of speaking).  I was thinking of the same idea, with the security team, but I was going to call it "base garrison".  The only real problem is that this "aircraft" would need a hanger. 

I feel the quickest way to code this would be to call it an aircraft with no allowed equipment, and no fuel capacity.  Thus, it would only be eligible for base defense.  To save space, the "aircraft" should only require a small hanger, or maybe even a specialized hanger that's really cheap, and only eligible to store this "aircraft".  Also, the production costs and time should be very low, such as 1 hr for one worker and a couple hundred dollars (enough for barbed wire, I guess).  And, don't forget an awesome UFOapedia listing!   ;D
After all, that's my favorite part of playing the game!   :)

Discussion / Re: Melee attacks -- roadmap?
« on: February 13, 2008, 12:14:43 am »
I imagine the easiest way to implement hand-to-hand combat would be to make a tiny item, such as brass knuckles, and add all the desired weapon modes to that.  The item could be the size of a grenade, so it won't be too bad on space.  Also, you could justify this in-game as, "An unarmed human would break their hand punching an alien, only through the use of ____ would hand-to-hand combat be possible."

Discussion / Re: Laser Rifle - useless ?
« on: February 13, 2008, 12:06:46 am »
We have to remember this post was started before the laser weapons were rebalanced.  It seems that lasers are currently the most accurate weapons in the game.  The laser rifle, with it's assault skill, is more accurate than the sniper rifle with it's sniper skill.

Tactics / Re: New Base interceptors?
« on: February 08, 2008, 05:10:21 am »
The base listing on the right half represents base missile systems.
Thanks for correcting me Sophisanmus, I realized that this was the case a few nights ago, but was unable to post anything until now.

Discussion / Re: A few suggestions and thoughts.
« on: February 08, 2008, 05:01:36 am »
- Statistics: I can never get enough of them, I'd love to see more of them, especially interception-stats.

Unfortunately, 65% of players hate stats, and 98% of programmers hate programing stats.  Sorry, no stats for you.   :'(

*sigh* I'd love some stats though

Luckily, just like 80% of all stats, those stats I gave previously were totally made up.   ;D

Seriously, I would like to at least see a count of how many civilians died under my watch, if the game over due to exceeding maximum civilian death limit is a permanent part of the game.   :)

especially interception-stats.
Actually, I have wondered a little bit about the stats involved with the interceptions also.  At least, I could tell it that heavy polymer armor does anything...

Discussion / Re: Soldier models
« on: February 08, 2008, 04:23:06 am »
Don't worry, we all make frivilous posts to increase our ranking, at least I know I do!  ;D
+1 post for EuchreJack, and one step closer to Captain!

Tactics / Re: Pilots?
« on: February 05, 2008, 09:03:55 pm »
The saracen is faster (at least is should be) and may have greater range (but I'm not certain on the second part).

Tactics / Re: New Base interceptors?
« on: February 05, 2008, 09:02:16 pm »
I haven't been fortunate enough to run multiple bases w/aircraft, but i saw a list of bases to the right of the aircraft display, and assume selecting another base would open up a selection of that base's aircraft.  Or, it might fire the missles...   :P

Discussion / Re: 2.2 Release: Dead Civilians count?
« on: February 05, 2008, 08:45:59 pm »
but we dont lose too many points since our base was quite far away and it wasnt possible to respond in time.
Sorry, but in all versions of X-Com, and in this game, nobody cares where the base is located.  If you don't respond to a mission, your supporters will be ticked.  As far as responding to terror missions is concerned, this game is quite similar to the original X-Com, except we have civilian death count instead of a score system.  Personally, I kind of prefer the score system, but I'm glad for the opportunity to try something new.  To be honest, all I ask of freeware is that it doesn't hurt my computer.   ;D

Discussion / Re: Civilians... those little buggers.
« on: February 05, 2008, 08:32:51 pm »
It would be cool if there was an item that a soldier could use to attract civilians, like Super-Cologne!
Seriously, it would be nice if the soldiers could at least direct the civilians somewhat, so they don't run into the arms of the aliens.

Discussion / Re: How do I determine a solidiers TU's when assigning?
« on: February 05, 2008, 08:28:20 pm »
Wow, I've never seen a soldier with less than 30 TU.  What's the loadout for your soldier with the lowest TU?  Also, are you doing anything with reaction fire, since that can really eat into your TU count.

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