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Messages - Kai Lae

Pages: [1]
Discussion / Re: Automission exp.
« on: June 11, 2011, 10:27:16 pm »
Maybe the real issue is ... fun?
Some people have fun doing low level tactical stuff.
Some people have fun doing resource allocation stuff.
Some people find a small amount of tactical fun, and large amounts tedious.

Let each person play what they find fun.

I'm pretty new here, but if I could make a suggestion. Some people do like the strategic aspect more than the tactical and would prefer not to run every mission. For them, perhaps you could look into making XP gain configurable from the user settings? Seems like that way people would get what they want, no matter what it is.

Discussion / Confused new player
« on: June 11, 2011, 10:24:07 pm »
Been playing for a bit now, love good games, especially shareware ones :) However, even after somewhat extensive LURKMOAR and FAQ reading I can't tell about the following:

Does the game have tanks (armored vehicles) or not? Some places I read say not implemented yet, some say yes. Do want if they do exist, and if they do why haven't I seen the option?

Have one more question. Working on dissembly of crashed UFO, time to completion is nearly 3 months. This seems like a long time. Granted I have only 10 workers working on it (building more workshops now) but is there some kind of trick to this, some efficient scheme I'm unaware of that I need to utilize?

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