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Mac / Re: UFO:alien invasion 2.3.1 fails to open
« on: May 25, 2011, 05:03:48 pm »
I'm sorry but I don't quite understand the logic behind not reporting bugs for the "supposedly" stable version when the sticky apparently wants people to try the not-so-stable version first, then for people to go to the dev version that's not linked from the front/download page.

I've got to agree...enough so that I bothered to register.
I hadn't tried this game in quite some time and thought I would come back and re-download it.
Clicked the link, downloaded.  It wouldn't open, failed to mount.
Checked this forum, saw this topic that I figured was my issue, and read to download it again from a different area.
That really makes no sense.  The "stable" version really isn't the stable version if it doesn't work to the point that people are told to download the "Dev" version.

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