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Messages - bilbo

Pages: [1]
Feature Requests / Re: Geoscape feature requests
« on: February 01, 2011, 12:46:10 pm »
10) Sometimes it happen, that I find myself out of ammo during mission - because I forgot to restock it. I think there should be option that will warn you, if you do not have enough stored ammo to replenish the suply for soldier, optimally telling how many pieces are missing (e.g. "Missing amo to rearm soldiers in aircraft Firebird 1: 1x Sniper rifle clip, 3x Machine gun clip").

11) Autobuy option: at end of mission, automatically buy ammo/grenades/... that was expended during the battle (or at least ammo of those types that is buyable)

12) Automanufacture option: similar option to autobuy - if ammo cannot be bought (autobuy failed), perhaps there could be another option to put it into workshop queue automatically.

13) Soldier armament profiles: If you replace soldiers in aircrafts (either replacing wounded soldier by unwounded one, or replacing solder by another, more skilled soldier), you have to rearm him again ... and again next time and again. Can be tedious if you replace wounded soldiers often .... It would be nice, if you could store state of the armament of a soldier under some name (for example, you will name it "Heavy soldier with flamethrower") and then you would be able to arm soldier with the same stuff (i.e. weapon, ammo, sidearm, ammo for sidearm, grenades and stuff like medkits, armor ....) by just selecting the armament profile (optionally with feature to automatically buy any stuff that is missing in the base, if possible). This would make easier also creation of new teams at new bases - you'll just pick 8 new soldiers, choose such profile for each of them (as you'll have probably several usable profiles created for yourself) and it will buy them any necessary weapons automatically.

Feature Requests / Re: Geoscape feature requests
« on: January 30, 2011, 06:09:33 pm »
Also, I though of one more thing:

9) For aircraft interception, when choosing which craft to use to intercept, show distance from bases to ufo and/or estimated time  (which would be hard to estimate correctly, based on unknown intentions of the aircraft, but perhaps time needed to reach ufo's current position could be shown there as a crude estimate)

Feature Requests / Geoscape feature requests
« on: January 30, 2011, 05:10:56 pm »
I though of some features that would be nice to have:

1) For ufo yards, show which UFO's are stored there when you click on it to see details

2) For workers or scientists (as they have no statistics) put there two buttons "Hire" / "Sack" that will hire/sack first free person so you don't have to move through the list.

3) For hangars, show image of the aircraft in it, so you'll better see how much of hangars are occupied without having to click on details

4) Ability to kill individual aliens in contanier. Now you can only kill all of them. Sometimes, when you capture a live specimen of type you have not encountered before, you may want to make a space, but not kill all aliens because of this

5) For alien container, there are shown 10 cylinders with aliens. The cylinders could be varying (either dark, or glowing with green light) based on number of aliens stored without having to click on details.

6) Also, storage rooms could have perhaps three or five images ranging from empty shelves to rooms overflowing with many items based on used storage capacity.

7) The same with hospital - you could be able to see how many soldiers are there laying in beds.

8) For crashed UFO's of known type (when the type is shown before it is shot down), the text "Crashed Ufo ([place where it was shot down])" could include the type of the ufo - making it a bit easier to see what is what if you shoot down several UFO's at once

Feature Requests / Some of features I thought of - soldiers
« on: January 30, 2011, 04:36:28 pm »
I played UFO:AI (latest stable, 2.3.1) for some time and I thought of some improvments that could be done:

Some soldier filter: when recruiting soldiers, or when picking a good soldiers to fill an empty slot, you often need soldier with high value of some skill (sniper, heavy, assault, explosives, etc .... depend on who you need).

Later in the game, the soldier list could become rather long.

It would be nice if you could sort soldier list by any of the skill values (both when recruiting soldiers and when picking soldiers into aircraft).

Also, for soldiers in hospital, it would be useful to show the estimated time until the soldier is fully healed.

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