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Messages - avid4545

Pages: [1]
Windows / Re: make_UfoAI_win32 (all in one win32 build script)
« on: December 02, 2010, 06:20:17 am »
first of all thinks for all the work you have done on this script (I know programming is not the easiest thing to do, I should know I got a degree in it,) but anyways, at first I had troubles using it but then I figured it out and it works fine but if memory serves it does at the end give multiple “name" unknown variable then skips them. I do not know if this is intentional or not, or if you are not aware so her it is.

Offtopic / Is it ok for kids to play video games?
« on: December 02, 2010, 06:08:21 am »
Hi I’m doing research for my final project and i would like you to take my poll at <a href="">Click here to take survey</a>
or go hear
The question is, "Is it ok for kids to play video games?" and if you want to leve feedback on this topic, i would appreciate it. The poll applies to "any games that are age appropriate, kids under 17"

Thank You.

edit: the poll is closed i would like to think you for voting and/or committing. i will post the results later.

the results are:

Is it ok for kids to play video games?

Yes                  89.7%                26
No                   3.4%                  1
I do not know    6.9%                  2

Pages: [1]