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Messages - albedo

Pages: [1]
Windows / Re: font problem 2.5 latest (sept/03/13)
« on: July 07, 2014, 10:54:12 pm »
Mhh, same thing here at Win8.1 64-bit. However, I did not have any problems with it - did not even noticed that till now.  ;)

other things that came up:

- got no pictures of landed and crashed ufos on world map (only red cross instead)
- hospital is quite "filled" with workers, scientists, pilots and so on, all green. did that happen by intention?

I guess, the pictures were just replaced by the red cross. I do not have pictures as well. In my case, all soldiers are shown in the hospital view including their current state.

You don´t need to be connected to the internet in order to run the game.

All he wanted to say is that the logfile is incomplete (and therefore useless). This is probably because you had to terminate the game (aka .exe file on WIN).

And I wanted to address another possible issue. Obviously the game exe hangs and cannot write the log file properly to an end. On Windows this may be due to a blocking by some firewall/sandbox/etc. software that has rights to block lower-level programs. In my case on Windows 7, the firewall software from Comodo stopped ufo.exe and waited for my user input. Unfortunately this worked not as intended and the game crashed. Then I added ufo.exe to trusted files in Comodo so that Comodo did not ask for user input anymore. Of course, I could have also set ufo.exe to permanently blocked files as well. Important is to exclude the firewall from stopping the software.

And the more it will help if the game crashed?

In my case I just added ufo.exe to trusted files in the firewall settings. In this way there was no blocking/popup and I could play the game. However, I do not know if this is really your problem. The log files seem quite short compared to my last one.

I downloaded the game two days earlier and have no problems playing it on Win 8.1 x64. However when playing rev. 2.4 before upgrading from Win 7 x64 I had a similar bug as the firewall (Comodo) popped up in the background to ask for permissions. On other games I just switched to the Desktop, gave permissions and brought the game back to front, but UFOAI crashed. Maybe this helps.

Bugs in stable version (2.5) / Re: Porous dropship in djungle map
« on: July 03, 2014, 11:10:52 am »
Great, thank you for the instantaneous reply and fix!

btw, it´s meant to be a forest, not a jungle :)

Oh, that makes sense. Why did I expect a jungle at the east coast of the US?  ;)

Bugs in stable version (2.5) / Porous dropship in djungle map
« on: July 02, 2014, 11:33:00 pm »
Hallo developers,

first of all, I want to thank you very much for the ongoing development of this great game. I have been playing it since rev. 2.3 and eagerly waited for r2.5 final. Some missions (maps) are really tricky, one has to think about every move just as in a chess game. :)

I noticed a "porous" dropship on djungle maps as a hovernet (a nasty new enemy ;) ) injured my soldiers looking for shelter inside the airplane.  I restarted the mission several times to check the repeatability. Attached you find a screenshot, showing that indeed my soldiers were able to shoot out as well. As the same is not possible on other map types, I guess this may be a map defect.

Tactics / Re: My battle strategy
« on: May 29, 2012, 05:04:28 pm »
Since 2.2 and until 2.4, the best squad for my gameplay are:
- 2 Heavy guys (Flame Thrower at the beginning, then heavy laser)
- 2 Sniper (As the game wents on they are increasing their stats so that they are even useful in later stages of the game.)
- 2 Grenade launcher solders (Absolutely great for shooting over obstacles and even better after the research of plasma grenades.)
- 1 Rocket soldier (Rocket launcher), 1 assault solder (Bolter)

Depending on the map, they act as one big team or I divide them into 2 separate troops. All soldiers are equipped with a knife, grenades of all types, a medic kit, ir goggles and enough ammo. I never need a second weapon, more ammo is more useful.

During the mission, I always try to give my soldiers a hide at the end of a turn. Mostly, the enemies approach, using up every action point and without firing a single shot. Then my solders make one step to decover, shot and retract again. (Always watching through walls using the ir googles.) I began with this tactic in 2.3, where reaction fire was working really bad.

Due to the KI, I never need to enter a mothership. I just place one soldier directly aside of the crawler and all aliens inside approach him directly behind the wall. Now, I have all the time to arrange my other soldiers well hidden at the exit, retract the lure-soldier and shot down the enemys that exit one after another.  ;D

Windows / Re: Why does the game keep crashing?
« on: May 05, 2012, 11:27:33 pm »
Similar problem here: When I started the game on Win7_64bit it crashed on Black screen, even before the intro screen appeared. At this point, the whole computer hang and I had to do a complete system reset.

Until now, the latter observation was a clear hint towards antivirus/access protection problem with Comodo Internet Security. So I set the Firewall and Access Protection to learning mode, started the game once and now everything works fine.  :) (On a first software start, Comodo usually pops up and asks for a user input. Usually this leads to a jump back to Desktop, what probably led to the crash in my case.)

Bugs in older version (2.3.1) / Re: Cannot move inside UFOs
« on: October 11, 2010, 01:52:41 pm »
I noticed the same problem in one of approx. 30 missions now. Actually, it was in a harvester on a jungle map and i was happy to attract the last alien downstairs. So I didn't need to restart the game. Nice, that this problem is already solved in rev. 2.4. :)

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