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Messages - lendrick

Pages: [1]
Artwork / Re: Texture replacements still needed?
« on: December 10, 2010, 08:05:36 pm »
Absolutely. :)

The nice thing about OGA is that the licensing choices are such that all of the content on the site can be used (with proper attribution, of course) in any open source project.

Discussion / Re: Annoying forum password requirements
« on: December 10, 2010, 07:48:25 pm »
Spam attacks suck, it's true.  Two things, though:

* Unless your spam attacks come from hacked accounts, requiring strong passwords is unhelpful and arbitrary.  Ever single spammer that's ever hit my site has done so after signing up for a new account.  Have any accounts here ever been hacked and used for spam?
* This doesn't address the UI problem of the password strength requirements not being listed on the page.

Artwork / Texture replacements still needed?
« on: December 10, 2010, 07:06:50 pm »

I noticed the texture replacement thread has been silent for a few weeks, and I was wondering if all the textures have been replaced and, if not, which ones are still needed.  I'd like to make a list so that people who are looking to work on art can help out.


Bart K.

Discussion / Annoying forum password requirements
« on: December 10, 2010, 06:57:40 pm »
Hey folks.  I tried to sign up for the forum today (not realizing that I had already done so at an earlier date) and I ran into some pretty major annoyances when signing up.  Please understand that I'm not trying to be inflammatory here -- it's just that, if someone is taking time to sign up for your forum, they're already among the most interested 2% of your users.  You don't want to drive those people off.  The issues are as follows:

I have an old junk password that's easy to remember so that I don't have to come up with a new password every time I join a forum.  I use this junk password for accounts that don't require a high level of security (for things where I don't enter much personal information, etc).  I can't use that password here, because your site now requires passwords that a) are 8 characters long, and b) contain mixed case and a number.

This is a (relatively) small site that doesn't store personal or financial information.  The reward for account hackers is very low, and the personal risk to someone whose account gets hacked is possibly non-existent, and at worst minimal.

Furthermore, if for some reason I haven't accounted for you absolutely have to have to require high security passwords (although apparently I signed up here before this was necessary and my account has yet to be hacked), for the love of all that is holy, please enumerate your password requirements on the sign up form so that I know what they are.  If you can't do that, then at least tell me all the errors at once, rather than making me submit the page a total of three times before I find out that the password has to be 8 characters long, and requires digits and mixed case.

End rant.

Bart K.

Artwork / Texture reference material
« on: September 07, 2010, 03:41:02 am »

I just uploaded a very large collection of texture photos (~300 or so) to  Some of them look like they might be decent replacements for some of the textures you're missing, although please note that I don't have time to process and tile all of them, so they'll need that done if they're going to be useful.  Here are the links:

Please note that they're currently licensed CC-BY 3.0, but if that doesn't work for whatever reason, I'd be happy to re-license them so they're usable.  Note that I've started a texture request forum thread on OGA, so if there's anything in particular you'd like me to try and get, please let me know there.  You can find the thread here:

I'm also open to re-taking some of these pictures if for whatever reason they're not adequate.

Bart K.

Pages: [1]