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Messages - oliphaunte

Pages: [1]
Discussion / Re: what's with auto missions?
« on: July 19, 2010, 12:19:30 am »
... can't be done via auto-mission?

It's not about crashed ufo missions but story related missions cannot be auto-missioned.

Sorry, my message got cut off. Alright, thanks

Discussion / Re: what's with auto missions?
« on: July 18, 2010, 07:29:28 pm »
can't be auto-played?
It's simple. It's an unfinished feature. I only left in to have an ability to skip the mission.


I figured, the auto-mission just seemed like too much of a good thing  :P Out of curiosity, is there a reason that some crash missions

Discussion / Re: What does this icon mean?
« on: July 18, 2010, 07:25:07 am »
Ah ok, sorry ;)
Naw, it's all good man. Thanks for trying to help out :D

Discussion / Re: What does this icon mean?
« on: July 18, 2010, 07:21:24 am »
Would recommend you just read this thread :)

Well the issue involved in this thread is about bases still being destroyed or wrecked after defended them. I'm talking about having my base being under attack even though no one is attacking it.

Discussion / Re: Aliens impaired by wounds?
« on: July 18, 2010, 06:53:28 am »
You need to know when they're on a rampage cause otherwise they'll go crazy on you and shoot all your men before you even know it. When they're in a rampage, it's always best to get rid of them first before they can inflict heavy damages on you, because chances are, they'll have the most effect on your men if given the chance.

As for the crouching and scare thing, take a guess. Sometimes they'll just run away and crouch and hide, sometimes they'll just stay in one place to pray? Who knows? I know that it's also possible for them to still attack you and then retreat to a corner to cry, cause I've lost a couple guys thinking that the alien was too scared to do anything, when in reality, he killed some of them when I got careless and then ran away and crouched and hide. Kind of counter-intuitive, but that's just part of the game I guess...

Discussion / Re: What does this icon mean?
« on: July 18, 2010, 06:34:49 am »
Any problems with the base aside from base attacks? I ask this because I got a mission in Mexico about a base attack, and my HQ was in China, so I flew to Mexico to defend the base and it turned out to be my base somehow. So I won the mission, figuring it was just a fluke, but then my HQ in China had the red circle around it and all the buildings were non-functional because the computer thought my base was still under attack, even though it wasn't that base that got attacked. Any ideas?

Discussion / Re: Automission exp.
« on: July 18, 2010, 06:20:58 am »
Perhaps some form on AI estimation on how well your men performed during auto-missions? I understand those who say to just play the missions, but in all honesty, some players like the tactical portion of managing the base more than the battles. Plus, there are just too many battles to fight if you actually want to get somewhere, along-side all those alien ships popping on radar every 5 minutes. Becomes annoying after a while that you can't get through one day without some ship or battle popping up every hour or so...

Discussion / Re: what's with auto missions?
« on: July 18, 2010, 06:02:41 am »
There's definetely something up with the auto missions. 93 auto-wins later and I haven't lost a single guy or civilan, but when I actually play it, somebody is sure to die and it's always my best guy/girl >.> Not a good boost of morale there...But still, silver lining, the auto-winning comes in handy when you don't want to fight the next 50 battles that pop up in the next hour. Too many battles for one day...

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