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Messages - myname

Pages: [1]
Discussion / Re: Advice for semi-noob?
« on: June 28, 2010, 09:13:59 pm »
Thanks for your help!  I'm sure I can figure out hotkeys and stuff, and now I have a brand new question :D

So my base got attacked... aside from not being able to use some stairs, I found that my base had to many intersections where fire-and aliens-could come from any direction.  I decided that the preset PHALANX HQ sucked, and I wanted to build my own.  Is that possible for my first base?  Or can I only dictate building placement for my other bases after the first?

Discussion / Advice for semi-noob?
« on: June 28, 2010, 07:23:57 pm »
Hey guys, I just started the game, and being a strategy/tactics vet, I'm picking up the mechanics of the 2.3 version quite quickly.

But there were issues that I encountered-most of which I've searched the forum for answers-but at last after no success I hope some kind people here can help. 

First, I have no idea what the hotkeys are, I'm guessing I can find them somewhere like options but haven't found them yet :/
Second, I can't seem to understand the concept of "reserve tu's for shooting" and "reaction fire."  I know what reaction fire is supposed to do after reading the flood of forum posts complaining that it does not work, but why exactly doesn't it work?  And what's the reserve tu's for shooting option and how does that change the gameplay mechanic? 

Despite these flaws the game is still very engrossing, a greater accomplishment because it was made by volunteers.  Keep up the good work and thanks for a great pastime :D

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