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Messages - Larthalalyss

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Tactics / Re: Your Tactics
« on: February 25, 2011, 11:51:26 pm »
Mostly depends on the soldiers I can hire.  Generally run 6 soldier teams, 4 soldier teams for base defense.  One is my explosives expert, normally armed with a grenade launcher.  If he's decent at heavy, he gets flechete grenades too.  If not, then it's a pistol and a knife or PB.  One is normally a sniper for long range fire support.  I might get one close weapons specialist, emphasizing hp and speed, using smg's or pistols plus melee weapons.  Course, that one is a might, pending on selection again.  Otherwise, the rest are split between assault and heavy specialists.  Generally go for more assaults than heavy, but do try to get at least one heavy.  Sniper starts with the sniper rifle, then upgrades as they become available.  Usually go to bolter rifle just for the fact that it can improve assault and is nice for 'in houses', later it gets upgraded.  The assault guys upgrade from rifles to lasers, bolters, and plasmas pending on each individual soldier's strength.  And also to give me a variety for dealing with different alien types.  Same with the heavy hitters. 

Generally try to avoid collateral damage, have even used a close person as an assassin, sneaking up behind and 'knifing' aliens from behind (which is somehow satisfying...).  As for additional gear, heavies and snipers have IR goggles.  All carry medkits, just in case.  Also they all have one to two spare clips of ammo pending on shots/clip.  Any leftover belt/holster space is filled with grenade fun.  For those times when 18 TU's is too many but 11 TU's (2 to hand, 9 to lob/roll) is just fine. 

Usually split them into two groups of three or three groups of two, pending on map.  Explosives/Assault, Heavy/Close or Assault, and the remaining two.  If it looks like the mission might be dicey, then I'll throw in two more soldiers aptly renamed to Cannon Fodder 1 and Cannon Fodder 2.  Honestly should call them Meatshield 1 and 2 instead.   ;D

Sounds good, I was just thinking since doing research on one level, seemed a bit odd to not have it on the larger scale was all.  I am by no means a modern weapons expert, better at talking about swords and polearms.  *laughs*  If I think of anything else, I'll endeavor to suggest it along with some research.  Thanks for the follow-up.

Did I miss it somewhere or has a gauss cannon been suggested?  Apologies if it has.  We have the portable railguns for tactical combat, but how about for base defense or on an aircraft.  Probably be like the aerial laser and base defense laser, where it only becomes research-able after researching the bolter rifle.  Thanks for listening.

Hello all, I'm brand new to the forums, so behold my first post.  Been playing UFO for a couple months now and I've been quite impressed, as well as overjoyed to find an Xcom-like game.  Thank you all of you programmers.  Actually a big thank you, I'd lend a hand, however, I can program about as well as a cement block can fly...

Now to the topic at hand, thanks for the above wiki posts to refresh me and get me up to date, again.  Honestly, I have no issues with the rf, real life it doesn't make complete sense, however as the Devs pointed out, game balance does not equal realism.  The only idea I could think of to contribute (and I apologize if this was said before) is that perhaps your individual weapon skill OR speed skill gave a minor discount to the reaction fire TU's needed.  No clue how hard that would be to program either, perhaps impossible.  If not, the full basis of the idea is someone who is fairly new/inexperienced to live combat and their weapon, will not react at the same speed as someone who's done it often.  Familiarity breeds speed.  Also to clarify, since it was vague on my part.  A person reacting would still upon reaction use the full TU's, however, it'd be the triggering TU's that get a discount.  For instance, someone using a machine gun and doing 5 round burst is 14 TU's.  Generally the alien needs to do about 14 TU's of action in line of sight for the reaction fire to occur.  However, perhaps this soldier has Very Good speed or heavy weapons, thusly it might be discounted to 12 TU's.  Alien does 12 TU's of action, machine gunner reacts and the full 14 TU's are subtracted as per normal. 

Hmmm, after typing this out, I also thought perhaps Mind would play a role.  Speed to react, but Mind for Target Recognition, that way you aren't filling a civilian full of lead.  Oops. 

As for me personally, I'm fine with how it is.  Different rules require different tactics, I can deal with that.  And it does make sense that small light weapon snapping off a quick shot is going to be faster than a big rifle trying to aim a shot (especially at extreme ranges).  Thanks all.

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