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Messages - in a bit of a pickle

Pages: [1]
Windows / Re: Are save files portable?
« on: May 07, 2010, 10:06:29 pm »
Gah. I knew it'd be something obvious like that. Thanks!

I know about incompatibility between versions (2.3)  but that's ok. I'm using this playthrough more to get used to the game than anything else. I want to see what the research progression is like more or less endgame, research rates, how to move people around, tactics. Stuff like that.


Windows / Are save files portable?
« on: May 07, 2010, 08:38:37 pm »
Hi all,

I tried out UFO:AI on my trusty lappy for the first time a few days ago and I loved it. After a few false startsI finally managed to get a very, very good game going (after 4 months or so I still haven't lost a single soldier and I finally got base specialization right. Gods, that first month is the stuff of nightmares for a newbie) but playing on my lap for extended periods of time is becoming a bit of drag. I thought of grabbing my save files and copying them over to my desktop 'puter but I couln't find them anywhere.

Can anybody please point me in the right direction?


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