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Messages - SirOliver

Pages: [1]
yes i installed it from ubuntu software repository with apt (thanks for that btw), as for compiling dev2.6 with debuging i might do that after this weekend, i am kinda busy during next few days, will see where it goes from there.

OK i got savegame for you, UFO#40 - Harvester, heading towards base in africa, if you compress time (1h compression) will get there in 2 seconds, base has 2 antimatter storage buildings, has 12 soldiers equiped, has 2 stiletos, 40 workers. mostly empty otherwise, used to dissasemble UFOs.
Same crash happen's, same conditions, once you remove antimatter storage from base (tanks are empty aswell) crash never happens. Just to make sure you read it carefully:

Linux, Ubuntu 17.10, official game release 2.5, no mods and/or patches.

would be nice to tell me if you managed to reproduce the problem, or it happens only in my setup.

I wish i saw this reply earlier, i just removed antimatter storage from base, played the mission, and saved after it over the spot. Sorry.

EDIT: I belive there is going to be more of it, so when next base attack happens i can upload it then.

EDIT2: not sure if it is relevant, but attacking ship is of "Harvester" type, nevertheless it happens on every base that has mentioned building, and problem goes away once you remove it from base.

Game version: official 2.5 release for linux, no modifications
Running on Ubuntu Linux 17.10

Description of a problem:

When aliens attack player base, and that base has Antimatter storage building game crashes on battlescape loading screen (exits the game without any notifications or errors). Everyithing goes well with selecting team, equiping, but when clicking "enter" game briefly shows loading screen and simply dissapears.

I have a savegame just prior to attack so i tried the following to diagnose the issue:

1. Transfered all personel (exept soldiers) to different base
2. Sold all equipment (exept the soldiers equipment), to have empty storage
3. Destroying antimatter storage building before attack

It has the common denominator , once you destroy the antimmater storage building mission starts normaly and everything works well without any issues.

I have attached .log that comes when using crashing the mission due the antimatter building presence in base.

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