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Messages - Steam

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Offtopic / Re: Jagged Alliance 2
« on: May 11, 2014, 05:29:25 pm »
Further research suggests that it is the Stracciatella project that runs natively on linux, and that it would be difficult if not impossible to merge the 1.13 modifications directly with that.  However, the stated objectives of the project are " to make Jagged Alliance 2 available on a wide range of platforms, improve its stability, fix bugs and provide a stable platform for mod development."  Focusing on that last point, if the project is open to user modifications, it may be possible to introduce the "spirit" of some (or all) of the 1.13 modifications without the difficulties of merging the two.

Offtopic / Jagged Alliance 2
« on: May 07, 2014, 01:11:01 am »
I came across Jagged Alliance 2 in the Ubuntu Software Center and I'm also aware of the 1.13 user modification that is available.  I wonder if anyone has put these two together running natively as opposed to through Wine? 

Linux / Re: A Gamer Package
« on: May 07, 2014, 01:05:32 am »
This box was built several years ago for Windows Vista, in fact that's still around on a partition.

This is actually the first game I have installed on Linux, other than the "waste a few minutes" games like minefield, and so far I'm impressed especially after all the negative vibes about games on Linux from the Windows aficionados.

Linux / Re: A Gamer Package
« on: May 06, 2014, 03:32:41 am »
I couldn't work out how to remove the fglrx blacklist file, and in the end I didn't want a device I paid for run by software I don't appear to have any control over.  To be fair there are a number of ways of installing the proprietary drivers and I may just have chosen the wrong one because my catalyst control center didn't work, perhaps this person's method of installation is better and may produce an install that doesn't produce errors?

I spent longer making sure I uninstalled and purged all the instances of fglrx than it took to reboot with the open source drivers.  The video card is now being run by a Gallium 0.4 driver and I thought I was onto something when there was an immediate and verbose response to glxinfo.

I'm pleased to report that it doesn't look like I'm going to have to die trying because, although I don't have any time to play right now, the game loaded without a hitch.

Linux / Re: A Gamer Package
« on: May 05, 2014, 11:02:59 pm »
For the benefit of those who may step this way in the future, I shall continue.  As I've said I am new to linux, so when I installed Ubuntu the software didn't put me off using open source drivers so much as warmly suggest I would get much better performance using proprietary drivers developed for Linux by AMD.  To quote the software center "this package provides 2D display drivers and hardware accelerated OpenGL"  If you come from a Microsoft background it is usually better to install the manufacturers drivers as opposed to the generic inbuilt ones.

I decided to have a look at how the driver might be performing and the results of glxinfo produced:

name of display: :0.0
X Error of failed request:  BadRequest (invalid request code or no such operation)
  Major opcode of failed request:  153 (GLX)
  Minor opcode of failed request:  19 (X_GLXQueryServerString)
  Serial number of failed request:  12
  Current serial number in output stream:  12

Which looked surprisingly like the error I saw when I tried to run the game.  The results of some research showed that this is not uncommon and may cause errors with other things too such as Minecraft (which I don't play), and Steam (which I don't use) The driver is fglrx, but the results of fglrxinfo produces the same error.  It turns out that fglrx is blacklisted in etc/modprobe.d/fglrx.conf which consists of

# This file was installed by fglrx
# Do not edit this file manually

blacklist radeon
alias fglrx fglrx
alias radeon off
alias lbm-radeon off

So, I shall either have to figure out how to edit this, get it off the blacklist, or uninstall and purge the fglrx drivers and install some open source drivers instead.

Now, if the moderator(s) would rather I stopped posting about this, please let me know and I will stop.  I propose further posts detailing how I got ufoai working, or died trying.

Linux / Re: A Gamer Package
« on: May 04, 2014, 09:29:03 pm »
I was about to ask you for a tutorial on git, but it turned out to be a lot easier than I thought.

That disposed of the bspslicer error (thanks) and make now seems to complete, at least it ends at:

===> LD [ufoslicer]

if that is correct?

Now a different issue:

Executable is still crashing with the error shown above:

Do I need different drivers for my videocard?  Or is it something else? 

Linux / Re: A Gamer Package
« on: May 04, 2014, 06:01:35 pm »
You gave me an idea (Thank you!) so I went back to the files from github, sure enough there is a folder in there called "contrib" which contains the update map routines in a sub folder "map-get".  No such folder exists in the files from sourceforge so the scripts fail.  They work perfectly on the github files and I can download the maps rather than compiling them.  I disabled testall in the configuration and ran make on the github files which terminated with:

Nevertheless I decided to see if I had an executable ufo file, and I do, but it crashes:

Linux / Re: A Gamer Package
« on: May 04, 2014, 04:11:05 am »
I was following (perhaps too blindly?) the instructions from here:

which are repeated here:

I'm not sure where I could download the maps from?  Yes, I have seen further down that page the python update instructions and the make maps-sync instructions, but I think the links are broken(?)

Linux / Re: A Gamer Package
« on: May 04, 2014, 12:23:51 am »
I'm using Ubuntu 12.04
Hardware is an old Intel box running a core 2Duo E8500@3.16GHz*2 with onboard sound and a Radeon 4830 (or was it 4850?)

I have made some progress, especially since I disabled testall, here is the makefile:

# -------- Automatically generated -----------

# DEBUG ?=
# W2K ?=
# SSE ?=
TARGET_OS ?= linux
# MODE ?=
CC ?= "cc"
CXX ?= "c++"
# CROSS ?= ""
PKGBINDIR ?= "/usr/local/bin"
PKGDATADIR ?= "/usr/local/games/ufoai"
PKGLIBDIR ?= "/usr/local/lib"
PREFIX ?= "/usr/local"
# cgame-campaign_DISABLE ?=
# cgame-multiplayer_DISABLE ?=
# cgame-skirmish_DISABLE ?=
# cgame-staticcampaign_DISABLE ?=
# game_DISABLE ?=
# memory_DISABLE ?=
testall_DISABLE ?= yes
# ufo_DISABLE ?=
# ufo2map_DISABLE ?=
# ufoded_DISABLE ?=
# ufomodel_DISABLE ?=
uforadiant_DISABLE ?= yes
# ufoslicer_DISABLE ?=

# allow to specify your own targets

Make will now complete compiling, but not without errors?  The response to make lang:

The response to make maps is similar with the additional filesystem initialization at the end with an error:

Linux / A Gamer Package
« on: May 03, 2014, 05:15:59 am »
I'm a new Linux user so please treat me gently :)

Briefly, I tried  the files from sourceforge and finally got a clean configure after sorting out dependencies, but the make file quickly quit due to errors.  I then decided to make my ISP earn their money and grabbed the files from github.  This resulted in a configure with more errors, some of which I managed to sort out through the software center but still a make file which threw up errors rather quickly, however going back to the original sourceforge files I made it much further through make without critical errors that caused a stop( more dependencies sorted out thanks to the git expeience?) .  However I cannot get all the way through make with either.

I know I need files for people to see, but let me figure out this forum and pastebin first.

Linux / Re: compiling problems
« on: May 03, 2014, 04:50:12 am »
+1 to that.

It is actually easier to run a clean configure through the files from sourceforge than it is the files from github, which makes sense when I think about it.  However I will open a separate thread with more info and my questions.

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