UFO:Alien Invasion

Technical support => Feature Requests => Topic started by: Rodmar on August 01, 2016, 02:48:51 pm

Title: Is there a pilot in the transport craft?
Post by: Rodmar on August 01, 2016, 02:48:51 pm
Some facts:
- the personal carriers are manned by one pilot inside a cockpit in the bow, who don't act during ground battle (except as some hidden radio relay).
- two of them have a light AA weapon mounted under the nose (either a Gattling gun or a laser turret after some research).
- in the novel,  the writer relates how a Firebird pilot can support its crew with its Gattling gun.

What if the carriers were more useful during tactical missions, besides providing some cover, but without unbalancing the game to much?

Title: Re: Is there a pilot in the transport craft?
Post by: geever on August 01, 2016, 08:54:03 pm
The "air support" idea was considered and rejected AFAIR.

Title: Re: Is there a pilot in the transport craft?
Post by: Rodmar on August 02, 2016, 03:25:12 pm
I read this, although my proposal is not about the classical air support, rather a cheap (?) ground support: no laser designated targets, no rocket swarms, no strafing by Stilettos, ...
(hence the "" I guess)