UFO:Alien Invasion

General => Discussion => Topic started by: insetto on May 31, 2010, 10:30:11 pm

Title: Uniform way of moving around (geoscape - tactical)
Post by: insetto on May 31, 2010, 10:30:11 pm
I think that having the same mouse button to move/tumble around in tactical and geoscape is a good thing.
I personally prefer right mouse button (as in some 3D programs) as the middle one (the one in tactical maps) is usually the wheel and it is not so handy.

Another thing. Are the shortcuts (keys) editable or fixed?
Title: Re: Uniform way of moving around (geoscape - tactical)
Post by: geever on May 31, 2010, 10:55:19 pm
Another thing. Are the shortcuts (keys) editable or fixed?

You can change keybindings by editing keys.cfg. (Find it in your userdir (http://ufoai.ninex.info/wiki/index.php/FAQ#General))

Title: Re: Uniform way of moving around (geoscape - tactical)
Post by: insetto on May 31, 2010, 11:35:52 pm
hmm edited but seems that UFOAI reset it on exit.
Puttin key.cfg in +r didnt' work (file has not been changed but keys in game aren't changed)

This is the shortcuts I need to set for having the turning on RMB on tactical scenario, right?

bindmenu MOUSE2 "+rightmouse"
bindbattle MOUSE2 "+turn"