UFO:Alien Invasion

Offtopic => Offtopic => Topic started by: EaglePryde on August 12, 2009, 03:26:54 pm

Title: NAS Server
Post by: EaglePryde on August 12, 2009, 03:26:54 pm
Does anyone know what a NAS Server should be able to do that it can be used as a gaming server...for Counterstrike Source and similar games?
Title: Re: NAS Server
Post by: Zenerka on August 13, 2009, 11:58:43 am
Why do you want NAS server for the purpose of gaming server?
Title: Re: NAS Server
Post by: EaglePryde on August 13, 2009, 12:22:42 pm
Yes i want to make a permanent running gaming server. I just don't know what a NAS Server should be able to do for it to be able to get a gaming server.
Title: Re: NAS Server
Post by: Kaz on August 13, 2009, 10:21:14 pm
I think you're confused about the purpose of different types of servers. NAS means Network Attached Storage. a NAS server is a server which provides storage to client systems (which can in turn be other servers) through the network (usually TCP/IP but can be different).

A game server usually refers to the software component that mediates between the game clients to allow them to connect to each other and performs some additional administrative housekeeping choirs. A game server can also be assumed to be the physical computer on which said software in run.

Depending on the software platform used to implement a NAS server, it can also double as a game server. I don't know about the specifics for a Counterstrike Source server to help you more, but if I were in your position, I would probably head to the Valve forums.

Title: Re: NAS Server
Post by: EaglePryde on August 14, 2009, 08:20:18 am
Yes your right. It's a bit confusing because i didn't know how a normal game server runs. I have set up my own pc as dedicated server using host files. I knew that a normal game server also supports things as php scrips and so on. I also made an apache server on my home pc what wasn't a big problem. Only problem was that i wanted to have a constant running platform without having to use my own pc or another one so i thought that a NAS Server would fit right in if i would connect it to my WLAN router.

Counterstrike Source was the first game i tried to make a decent server and it worked on my pc. But given all those diffrent NAS Servers i was somehow confused what i really need them to have and how they really work. I've seen NAS servers that had their own OS running on them and i strongly think that if i can get an apache to run on it than i should be able to make a gaming server out of it.

Your right. I should try to ask on the valve forums  but thanks for the help ;D