UFO:Alien Invasion
Technical support => Bugs in stable version (2.5) => Topic started by: Rodmar on September 11, 2015, 05:20:24 pm
I don't know which maps are WIP, but I still report these cases as a remainder.
- The African Village map may be located in present days Venezuela. If not a place-holder for a more south-american themed map, this map's name could be changed to:
Brushland Village [or] Bushland Village
because this biome is fully legit in Venezuela, as per:
- The Corrupter UFO model seems to still have two versions. The one on the +farm map looks complete while the one on some jungle map (I don't have the map's name, sorry) features an empty cockpit (see first screenshot).
- All the red tiles roof houses in the +farm map don't have any windows nor doors. It's clearly not some convenience to ease the fight (such as opened windows), because some obvious doors are really missing (see second screenshot).
- This one is more like a feature request. On one of the Harvest maps, a house model features an unused solid space (that's quite odd). The two last screenshots suggest to change this model a bit. The solid bloc could become a WC/bathroom, and the bathroom could become an office, so that the whole right wing becomes a quasi-independent suite (entrance, bedroom, office, bathroom) for an elder child or to be rent.
This a debatable suggestion. (:)). I find the Ambushed Military Convoys map settings a little odd, mainly because the regulatory distance between vehicles in a military convoy don't seem to be followed.
Currently, they are next to each other!
I know that there must be some balance between realism and map interest, but I'd suggest to correct this setting in the best way. For example, I'd remove the second truck.
Also, I'd remove the older, 20th century models, perhaps adding more of the escort vehicles.
I know that this mean that the map's interest would change, but frankly, on the two times I played this map, I never had to penetrate deeply inside the canyon.
I don't know which maps are WIP ...
This a debatable suggestion. (:)). I find the Ambushed Military Convoys map settings a little odd, mainly because the regulatory distance between vehicles in a military convoy don't seem to be followed.
Currently, they are next to each other!
I know that there must be some balance between realism and map interest, but I'd suggest to correct this setting in the best way. For example, I'd remove the second truck.
Also, I'd remove the older, 20th century models, perhaps adding more of the escort vehicles.
I know that this mean that the map's interest would change, but frankly, on the two times I played this map, I never had to penetrate deeply inside the canyon.
There will be an updated version of this as soon as I find the time to finish it.
African Village
There're some leaves through the Heracles's cockpit (at least in this setting).
There will be an updated version of this as soon as I find the time to finish it.
Perhaps you already know it, but it looks like the aliens are able to access a hidden, 5th map level, thus becoming invisible to PHALANX (the player can't display beyond the 4th map level).
As I had to reload after the inexplicable loss of two soldiers, shot "from the air", I spot on invisible aliens at two nearby locations, very close to the highest points on this map.
The aiming system still "see" them, as well as the SPACE cycling-through-visible-aliens function. The two last screenshots feature two different locations where the SPACE function localizes the invisible aliens.
[li]This one is more like a feature request. On one of the Harvest maps, a house model features an unused solid space (that's quite odd). The two last screenshots suggest to change this model a bit. The solid bloc could become a WC/bathroom, and the bathroom could become an office, so that the whole right wing becomes a quasi-independent suite (entrance, bedroom, office, bathroom) for an elder child or to be rent.
This is true in real life. In game it will just create dead space. Civs will be cought there and end up with no chance to run, and your soldiers will never be forced to enter.
1/ The water is separated in two by a green artifact. Perhaps it depends on the graphic settings?
2/ On the left, when a soldier climb the rocks, it sounds as if he walks in shallow waters (two locations at least). I didn't see him walking through the rock, though.
Urban Periphery
1/ Parking Lot:
On the 4th floor, there's a "hole" between the two car elevators (you can see through it). On the lower floors, it would be the location of the level's number sign ("4" in this case).
2/ Highroads:
In the case depicted on the screenshots, it looks like (though I'm not sure) that the new animated road borders block the aiming indication system, without impairing vision, nor the real chances to hit.
This Taman is said to be at 0% chances to be hit. However, the LOS is clear, the aiming ray is green, and more importantly, both a needler short burst and a laser wave fire hit it several times (and killed it). I assume that this is map dependant because it's the first time I experience such a 0% chances in such favorable circumstances.
Fixed 1/ and 1/ of the latter two reports. Thanks for reporting.
Old Town Center
- Small boat model: there's water inside the small boat between the bridges! Although, this happens often in our rivers irl, perhaps the water level could be lowered a bit, or the model tilted?
- Water sound on paved pier: on two or three squares, there's a water sound when a soldier walk on them. Could this be related to a water level slightly too high, too?
Note that this is NOT the case at the other stairs, on the opposite (right) side.
Fuel Deposite
- Door on the ground: it's turned bottom top, as seen with the sign that should be far away from the wall. (Look at the other door to see that the sign is on the top half of those doors).
- MIssing path in the entrance yard: not even a box appears when you hover over this square.
Fuel Deposite
- Door on the ground: it's turned bottom top, as seen with the sign that should be far away from the wall. (Look at the other door to see that the sign is on the top half of those doors).
- MIssing path in the entrance yard: not even a box appears when you hover over this square.
There should be a barrel standing in 2. In 2.6 that is.
Well, I just played again on this map (v2.5) and this time, the barrel was here!
I didn't add anything to the game installation in between.
Is there anything in the fueldump file that could explain this?
No clue about that, sorry.
Though it may be unavoidable, those nice beams on each side of the entrance do twist the logical path (indoors only), and this is quite an important location, tactically wise.
Changed this in master. Thanks for reporting.
Btw, map is called 'Estate'.
I confess I figured it was Bungalow because it was a wooden building (I hadn't took note of the map name upon entering the battle) :-[
Fighter UFO Crash Site
- Very small clipping: at the small black dot location
- Shoot through rock or something (look at the aiming line). Indeed, the entire block is suspect to me, not only this small rock. Even an alien more north down these rocks (and supposedly on a lower height and fully covered) may be hit (at least by a sniper rifle). Could you check those surfaces' properties?
I confess I figured it was Bungalow because it was a wooden building (I hadn't took note of the map name upon entering the battle) :-[
You can find the name of the map in the console/logfile.
About 2) - the hit chance calculation is sometimes way off. Sometimes I feel like it is worst when you shoot upwards. This is not about the map.
I confess I figured it was Bungalow because it was a wooden building (I hadn't took note of the map name upon entering the battle) :-[
Fighter UFO Crash Site
- Very small clipping: at the small black dot location
- Shoot through rock or something (look at the aiming line). Indeed, the entire block is suspect to me, not only this small rock. Even an alien more north down these rocks (and supposedly on a lower height and fully covered) may be hit (at least by a sniper rifle). Could you check those surfaces' properties?
1) Should be fixed in master.
2) I found lots of brushes marked as 'window', probably by accident - no idea if this might have caused the problem.
(Corruption mission)
I don't know if this a bug per se, or a simple mistake, or unavoidable effect, but I found that the jungle tiles on which a Corrupter UFO has landed "reflect the sun" in a strange manner.
1. A shiny light effect appears at the center of the screen, always with the same size no matter the zoom.
2. This white dot is displayed only when the center of the screen is on a square belonging to those jungle tiles where the Corrupter is assembled.
On the screenshot, we can see that those jungle tiles are more glossy as well.
(Corruption mission)
I don't know if this a bug per se, or a simple mistake, or unavoidable effect, but I found that the jungle tiles on which a Corrupter UFO has landed "reflect the sun" in a strange manner.
1. A shiny light effect appears at the center of the screen, always with the same size no matter the zoom.
2. This white dot is displayed only when the center of the screen is on a square belonging to those jungle tiles where the Corrupter is assembled.
On the screenshot, we can see that those jungle tiles are more glossy as well.
I added a normalmap for the texture, which should solve the problem.
2) I found lots of brushes marked as 'window', probably by accident - no idea if this might have caused the problem.
Then I remember another map (I took some screenshots at this time) where an alien could be seen through another rock. I knew that inter-level junctions were suspect (such as when you can see and/or shoot between the top of a wall and the flat roof above), so I didn't report this. But now that you report window surfaces applied on rocks, perhaps it's the same on this map.
African Village
The CBS was spotted (model is displayed and a tooltip appears on hover) despite being seemingly correctly covered (or is it on a slightly higher level?)
I hope you can confirm the map's name thanks to the large scale view.
1) Frozen Landscape
What a scary map, by night!
Indeed, playing it at night let me see an odd reflection of the "fire light" on the UFO wreckage.
2) (I don't remember the map's name, and I didn't think about looking at the log in due time)
There's a train station, a small tunnel, indoors and outdoors market, one house and pavements.
Is this an engine bug, or a map element to be corrected?
The door was displayed as being active whereas this soldier Al Ghadban is at a lesser level, and quite afar from it. I noticed the effect when the soldier was hiding on the stairs' side, and it persisted when I moved him (until second screenshot position). The effect didn't happen for any other soldier.
I don't remember if this magic soldier was the one who opened the door in first place.
3) Mart or Supermarket
(map with large, non playable towers all around)
Perhaps, it's needed so that the aliens aren't trapped, but one door is not active (whereas the other one a few squares to the left is active).
2nd floor (us: 3rd floor?): you can't circle around any of the two lateral stairs.
Perhaps this hinders the AI too (the aliens being less prone to snipes through these windows?)?
Harvester model
Base floor, the player may find that those two missing squares are unfair!