UFO:Alien Invasion
Technical support => Bugs in stable version (2.5) => Topic started by: Noordung on January 28, 2013, 10:46:45 am
Im quite sure this is bug. So aliens attacked my base without any UFO. There was no warning of any ufo and i didint get any ufo after i won. Happened secont time where first time i was unable to enter battlescape.
You should have uploaded a save before the battle (quicksave is saved automatically), and one after so we can compare them.
Here they are. I hope qucksave is before attack.
Seems you edited your first post, don't you?
a) aliens can attack your base without UFO: yes, it is not a bug it happens by a chance like in your first save.
b) soldiers not promoted: not true, you realized that already as I see...
Yes i was looking wrong base. So there is no way you an defend your base. I mean no way to intercept those land attacks?
Yes i was looking wrong base. So there is no way you an defend your base. I mean no way to intercept those land attacks?
Seems you don't like base attacks. :)
No, there is no way to stop all and every attack against a base.
Now that i know how to shoot through walls (some angles wont work) i like them. Its just i think it should be a way to prevent it.