UFO:Alien Invasion
Technical support => Windows => Topic started by: necron7894 on January 25, 2013, 10:37:34 am
hi, i run a window 7, and not sure if its been fix in 2.5, or its a glitch. when a UFO traveling at a speed (i think it was the 880km UFO) the game's FPS drop to 0-1, it also frezzes. is there a way to fix this or not. also, are the city lights for 2.4 taken out or also a glitch?
What's the problem with the city lights?
in 2.3, when the contintents where in the black zone (night), city lights would show up in the country. not sure if this was not passed on to 2.4 or its a glitch.
Why would that be a glitch?
Why would that be a glitch?
I'm pretty sure he means that he's not seeing those nightly city lights in 2.4.
Maybe post processing shaders is disabled?
thx shiplt, that work perfectly