UFO:Alien Invasion
Development => Mapping => Topic started by: Latino210 on May 07, 2012, 10:13:07 pm
Hi, people. I have an old problem: the ufo2map.exe file included with the 2.4 and 2.5 versions flatly refuses to work with my computer. The 2.3 version worked perfectly, but it's not available for download anymore. Can somebody include their ufo2map.exe file? Screenshot included
I attached the one I use, compressed with 7zip. It works fine for me on WinXP. Thanks to muton.
Just out of curiosity, how did you get a working UFORadiant?
For me, current 2.5 compiles fine, but for some reason it operates quietly. Some recent change should have brought it, since it worked normally for me just a few months ago.
For me, current 2.5 compiles fine, but for some reason it operates quietly. Some recent change should have brought it, since it worked normally for me just a few months ago.
Mattn gave some advice about this in the bugreport (https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3524054&group_id=157793&atid=805242).
OP does not compile from source I think. He uses the one coming with the Windows installer for 2.4 or 2.5-dev, which is completely broken (bugreport (https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3515453&group_id=157793&atid=805242)).
The one I use was build by mutons tool and is working fine.
i don't think it's broken - it just puts its stdout into a file, not onto the console. the file is called stdout.txt
i don't think it's broken - it just puts its stdout into a file, not onto the console. the file is called stdout.txt
The one coming with the windows installer of 2.4 is broken, as is the uforadiant there. Did not try the one from the nightly build of 2.5-dev. I would not place a bet on this one for sure.
The one in current master gives an output to some text file? I need a third screen then.
I attached the one I use, compressed with 7zip. It works fine for me on WinXP. Thanks to muton.
Works fine, thanks
Mattn gave some advice about this in the bugreport (https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3524054&group_id=157793&atid=805242).
He uses the one coming with the Windows installer for 2.4 or 2.5-dev, which is completely broken (bugreport (https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3515453&group_id=157793&atid=805242)).
Sir, you are right
it just puts its stdout into a file, not onto the console.
And what is the point of this? If someone wants to redirect the console output to the file, '>' exists for exactly that purpose. If not -- why deprive user of the proper console output? That's mad.
the point is that SDL is doing this.
But it wasn't doing that before?
it depends on whether you use SDL_main or main on windows (afair).
By the way, may I know what version of Radiant are you all using?
By the way, may I know what version of Radiant are you all using?
Everybody here is compiling from source. So its bleeding heart edge 1.6 :)
If you have problems to get an actual version of UFORadiant, the only way I know is Mutons tool (http://ufoai.org/forum/index.php/topic,3843.0.html). Last time I checked it was building a working UFORadiant. The ufo2map I use is also from this. If you don´t want to compile yourself, it is a very good and easy way to be up-to-date.
There is a also this somewhat outdated, but working Windows installer (http://www.destructavator.com/ufoai/uforadiant-1.6.0-win32.exe).
don't tell me that the new version is broken, too: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ufoai/files/UFO_AI%202.x/2.4/uforadiant-1.6.0-win32.exe
if it's broken, please let me know.
don't tell me that the new version is broken, too: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ufoai/files/UFO_AI%202.x/2.4/uforadiant-1.6.0-win32.exe
if it's broken, please let me know.
Made a quick check and had no problems with this one. Thats really good news. ;D
It did again overwrite my beloved ancient UFORadiant 1.5 in the UFOAI-2.3.1 folder without asking. >:(
It's old here, but sorry I have the same problems as related in 1st post. Ufo2map not only runs silently but it doesn't produce the expected output file anywhere (I checked by a researsh on the entire disks). So I've grabbed the file generously provided by Ship-it and it had began to work but finally produced this output (attachment).
Other question. I'ven't tested because I had no working version of Ufo2Map but is it useful to set up the path for this tool under radiant in order to let him compile or check the errors by itself (radiant compile menu) ?
Thanks for any informations about why my grabbed Ufo2map doesn't want to write a BSP at the end...