UFO:Alien Invasion

Technical support => Feature Requests => Topic started by: FWishbringer on May 26, 2011, 01:41:52 pm

Title: UFO information on store/sell?
Post by: FWishbringer on May 26, 2011, 01:41:52 pm
Quick search and didn't find it, perhaps I don't know the correct search terms.

In a single player campaign (not sure how well it pertains to other formats), when you secure a UFO after a mission and have a yard for storage, it would be nice to have a description on the window given where your options are to sell or to store the craft. Presently, there's a large amount of empty space in the top of the window, and I'm thinking something along the lines of UFO Scout (30%), UFO Harvester (no % if its collected intact), etc.

(And for the love of all that is holy, put in a 'please wait' after killing the last alien, so I stop crashing unless I wait)

Title: Re: UFO information on store/sell?
Post by: geever on May 26, 2011, 05:11:24 pm
Quick search and didn't find it, perhaps I don't know the correct search terms.

In a single player campaign (not sure how well it pertains to other formats), when you secure a UFO after a mission and have a yard for storage, it would be nice to have a description on the window given where your options are to sell or to store the craft. Presently, there's a large amount of empty space in the top of the window, and I'm thinking something along the lines of UFO Scout (30%), UFO Harvester (no % if its collected intact), etc.

(And for the love of all that is holy, put in a 'please wait' after killing the last alien, so I stop crashing unless I wait)

UFO Yard management was postponed to 2.5 or later.

Title: Re: UFO information on store/sell?
Post by: Edi on May 26, 2011, 07:19:38 pm
UFO Yard management was postponed to 2.5 or later.

I think he's referring to the fact that post-mission decision to sell or store the UFO only gives you a percentage value of how intact the UFO is but no indication whatsoever of type, which you only learn when the message "UFO Scout/Fighter/Harvester/etc is being transported to UFO Yard X"

If that one single identifier was added to that screen, it should have absolutely nothing to do with UFO yard management per se.
Title: Re: UFO information on store/sell?
Post by: dodon on May 26, 2011, 08:06:53 pm
I think he's referring to the fact that post-mission decision to sell or store the UFO only gives you a percentage value of how intact the UFO is but no indication whatsoever of type, which you only learn when the message "UFO Scout/Fighter/Harvester/etc is being transported to UFO Yard X"

If that one single identifier was added to that screen, it should have absolutely nothing to do with UFO yard management per se.
In that window the UFO type is displayed, if you know it. So you have to research the UFO before you get the display.
Title: Re: UFO information on store/sell?
Post by: Psawhn on May 26, 2011, 09:07:02 pm
In that window the UFO type is displayed, if you know it. So you have to research the UFO before you get the display.

If I may, I think that there should be some indicator of UFO type. It also seems inconsistent that you can see the name of an unresearched UFO in the message log after you transfer or sell it, plus when you decide to research it, but not when you decide whether to keep or sell it.

In any case, a "workaround" is to memorize the common prices for UFOs, and use that as an indicator of what type it is.

Another improvement I just thought of for the transfer screen: would it be possible to also show how many UFOs of that specific type are at each UFO yard, in addition to how many UFOs in total are at each yard?
Title: Re: UFO information on store/sell?
Post by: FWishbringer on May 27, 2011, 08:59:00 am
In that window the UFO type is displayed, if you know it. So you have to research the UFO before you get the display.

Part of the problem is it doesn't always display. If you don't wish to show the type until its researched, then the message stating the type has been transferred to yard is inconsistent. In a worst case scenario, perhaps referring to them as Small, Medium, Large... and so on until after their type is researched? There's a LOT of places it would need changed to remain consistent throughout if that were the option chosen, but it doesn't make sense...

Now, as a counter argument, the 'agency' that was developed to fight the incoming aliens has probably already come up with the names for the crafts (with alien names like Xyhsd Su Shoudldf, I doubt the term 'Scout', 'Fighter', or 'Harvester' came from their language as a ship type...) so it would still adhere to the immersion to allow the name to be known prior to researching. Just can't DO anything to it, other than shoot it, sell it, or store it.. until researched.

On the same window, it wouldn't hurt to add a multiline display of the 6 slots of each yard (sort of like the ufopedia does with headers and entries), listing the type and percentage of each in storage already. If this was pursued, it would even offer a simple temporary fix to full yards... if you made a line highlightable with an option to replace. Obviously, a more robust system that incorporated selling them, transferring them, etc would be better, but just the ability to replace them would be a temporary boon.