UFO:Alien Invasion

Archive => Bugs in older version (2.3.1) => Topic started by: fabittar on December 11, 2010, 07:16:37 am

Title: Sent back to Geoscape whenever I fire a rocket through a wall/window
Post by: fabittar on December 11, 2010, 07:16:37 am
Mission: UFO Landed on an otherwise peaceful, mundane block of commercial buildings with large windows on the second floor, a few trucks, streets, et cetera.

Occurance: One alien standing on the second floor in plain view through the window. I had one of my men - carrying a rocket launcher - shoot the greenie; in spite of the window, the shot went right through and killed the alien, but I was then instantly brought back to Geoscape, mission UNDONE. Meaning I have to do it all over again. Oh boy.

UFO:AI Latest Stable Ver. 2.3.1
Title: Re: Sent back to Geoscape whenever I fire a rocket through a wall/window
Post by: Mattn on December 11, 2010, 08:32:55 am
please at least attach the ufoconsole.log
Title: Re: Sent back to Geoscape whenever I fire a rocket through a wall/window
Post by: fabittar on December 11, 2010, 02:00:07 pm
please at least attach the ufoconsole.log

Sorry, I didn't know. I'll try to do it again on purpose today and save the log.
Title: Re: Sent back to Geoscape whenever I fire a rocket through a wall/window
Post by: Duke on December 14, 2010, 11:56:22 pm
There have been several reports like this.
However, we could never *reproduce* it.
So if you could figure out the circumstances where this occurs, it would be great.
If it happens in campaign, find the map in the log.
Then try to reproduce it in skirmish mode.