UFO:Alien Invasion

General => Discussion => Topic started by: PurpleCaterpillar on November 14, 2010, 02:27:57 pm

Title: Most advanced technology in v2.3
Post by: PurpleCaterpillar on November 14, 2010, 02:27:57 pm
I've played to the point of discovering an alien base, and:
That mission is awesome. Great textures, very nice map design, and devious placement of enemies...
Wonderful work!

I was a little disappointed to find out that this is where the game currently ends (in v2.3).
No complaints there, of course, as the game is still far from finished.

The thing is, I was happy to see a major tech leap on the aliens' side (particle cannons and heavy needler),
but sadly, after completing the raid, I can't continue playing in order to use these weapons myself.

Question is:
Should I continue playing (without raiding the alien base) until these weapons are introduced in regular missions?
Will they? Or do they only appear in the alien base mission, as a teaser?

Also on that subject:
It looks as though alien weaponry is randomized for each mission,
from a list of available technology (which is expanded at a predetermined pace).

If this is correct, which source file(s) can I modify in order to control this?
By "this" I mean both mechanisms:
1. The random equipment generation, and
2. The scheduling for addition of new weapons to the list.

Title: Re: Most advanced technology in v2.3
Post by: Mattn on November 14, 2010, 05:46:17 pm
the tech tree is in research.ufo (0ufos.pk3 => just a zip file - see the wiki for more information)

the equipment that is used is based on the interest value and the script stuff in e.g. in equipment.ufo
Title: Re: Most advanced technology in v2.3
Post by: PurpleCaterpillar on November 15, 2010, 09:23:26 am
Great, thanks. =)