UFO:Alien Invasion

Development => Artwork => Topic started by: Destructavator on May 25, 2010, 12:06:54 am

Title: Shoulder Patches for new soldier models
Post by: Destructavator on May 25, 2010, 12:06:54 am
I think you'll like this (when a finished version is done), I used some of the techniques I recently learned while making new heads to learn how to put shoulder patches on the new soldier models.  Not only that, but I also can put them in a layer for the GIMP file used to re-build the different uniform colors for those who don't want to learn Blender.

In this example they obviously came out too small - this is easily fixable, but how does the actual patch design look?

The patch itself was also done in Blender, and the colors can be changed very easily (doesn't have to be gold, I just picked that randomly).
Title: Re: Shoulder Patches for new soldier models
Post by: Destructavator on May 25, 2010, 01:50:14 am
Well, I fixed the size issue.
Title: Re: Shoulder Patches for new soldier models
Post by: Mattn on May 25, 2010, 07:36:57 am
they are looking nice - but now they are a little bit to big imo ;)
Title: Re: Shoulder Patches for new soldier models
Post by: Winter on May 25, 2010, 09:50:24 am
The size of them is fine, but I'm wondering whether we can use these as decals somehow? It'd be nice to have the shoulder patches reflect actual in-game rank.

Title: Re: Shoulder Patches for new soldier models
Post by: Destructavator on May 25, 2010, 02:09:20 pm
Well, that depends on how many skins can be supported for a single MD2 model.  Each rank would need five, six, maybe a few more variations for each camo uniform color.  I'm more than willing to make the GIMP file needed to produce that many textures, that would be very easy on my end, but I don't know what the game's code supports.  So as an example, if there were five uniform camo colors and five ranks, the total number of skins would be 5 * 5 = 25 skins.

The alternative would be if the code supported multiple texture layers.  Many game engines support these now, one layer would be for the uniform and camouflage, and an second, upper layer would be for the patches and rank decorations.  (The upper "decoration" layer would of course use an alpha channel, so all the parts not covered by decorations would be transparent to show the uniform.)

There might be more solutions, but do either of those two sound like they would work?

Title: Re: Shoulder Patches for new soldier models
Post by: Arthur on May 25, 2010, 05:19:33 pm

i dont know but the soldier looks a bit strange^^ to less details, and the colors are not so good, specially with the yellow Patch, its not a good color composition.
And the Hair^^ looks funny  ;)

But the 3D model looks good.

MfG Arthur
Title: Re: Shoulder Patches for new soldier models
Post by: Kildor on May 25, 2010, 05:33:00 pm
we already have glow- and normalmaps, may be it's easy to add overlaymap? (But do it without shaders support). ;-)
Title: Re: Shoulder Patches for new soldier models
Post by: Destructavator on May 25, 2010, 05:37:46 pm

i dont know but the soldier looks a bit strange^^ to less details, and the colors are not so good, specially with the yellow Patch, its not a good color composition.
And the Hair^^ looks funny  ;)

But the 3D model looks good.

MfG Arthur

Yeah, the head is a bit messed up - since you're rather new here, and don't know because you weren't around in the forum when this was started, I'll explain:

- First, the head is an old model and just a "placeholder" one at that.  You won't see this particular head in the game (fortunately).  It's really only there for animation purposes, so when I add animation frames I have some idea of where the soldier's head will be and at what angle/rotation.

- I'm still adding more details to the body texture/skin, it isn't quite finished yet, at this point I'm concerned about the rank and shoulder patch decorations (for this thread).

- Yeah, the yellow/gold color might not be the best, this is something I really need feedback on.  We already have different rank insignias, but I'm not sure what the best color for the patch border and Phalanx logo should be.  This, again, is something I'm asking for input on.  White?  Blue?  Grey?  Or should it vary by rank?

we already have glow- and normalmaps, may be it's easy to add overlaymap? (But do it without shaders support). ;-)

Yes, if an overlay is possible that would certainly be a potential solution, the rank decorations would go in that layer.  Can we do that for the game?

Edit:  Here's another example with white.
Title: Re: Shoulder Patches for new soldier models
Post by: vedrit on May 25, 2010, 06:15:09 pm
this might require some extra creativeness, but why not have the patch colors mimic the camo colors? IE: the patch for the urban camo would consist mostly of blue or black. Desert, orange or beige
Title: Re: Shoulder Patches for new soldier models
Post by: Destructavator on May 25, 2010, 06:20:45 pm
this might require some extra creativeness, but why not have the patch colors mimic the camo colors? IE: the patch for the urban camo would consist mostly of blue or black. Desert, orange or beige

Hey, that's a good idea...

If the overlay was with a shader, could that do the trick?  Forgive me, I'm a bit fuzzy on exactly what a shader is and what it can do - although I wouldn't mind learning.
Title: Re: Shoulder Patches for new soldier models
Post by: Hertzila on May 25, 2010, 06:24:36 pm
Realistically, only the very high-ups have golden/yellow insignia and you see them in the field very rarely. In other words, I don't think you would see them in this game on your agents.

To my knowledge, most militaries use white insignia and that would be my recommendation too. Especially since the camouflage actually doesn't do anything in the game, a noticable white would be a good color on most of the uniforms. If possible, I'd recommend doing also a black version for the arctic camouflage pattern, since in there a white insignia would be lost on the background.
A bright grey would naturally work too.

this might require some extra creativeness, but why not have the patch colors mimic the camo colors? IE: the patch for the urban camo would consist mostly of blue or black. Desert, orange or beige

That might work but I'm worried the insignia would be lost on the background, like with white on arctic.
Title: Re: Shoulder Patches for new soldier models
Post by: Arthur on May 25, 2010, 06:30:57 pm
I think you should not make the rank and the logo in the same patch.
The logo on the chest and the rank on the arm. Or the logo on the back.

Because of the color, mhhh ... I think bands for the first 10 silver, gold in the next five, for example.
But gold is not yellow ^ ^:)
Or better is the idea from vedrit ^^
And make a bit 3D Effect ;)

Best regards Arthur
Title: Re: Shoulder Patches for new soldier models
Post by: Destructavator on May 25, 2010, 09:31:23 pm
Well, here's some quick examples of other rank patterns - the colors came out funny, but this was quick-and-dirty.

I did this because I looked at the existing rank pictures, there's really not much there, mostly just different numbers of stars, some white and some yellow.

I really need some more feedback on where to take this - assuming an overlay layer is possible, without shaders as Kildor mentioned, what would be best to put on the shoulders?

Keep in mind that I can also put decorations on the sleeves, chest, back, and other places.

Also, should there be different decorations for soldier specialties?  Or just rank?
Title: Re: Shoulder Patches for new soldier models
Post by: Hertzila on May 25, 2010, 10:33:58 pm
Just a quick question. Were those textures all existing ones? And how many ranks have been planned?

From quick examining I'd say, depending on whose military we rip the ranks from and whether we include any amount of officers, we need from 8 (NATO) to 24(!) (USA) different insignias.
24 is way too much IMO and it would seem logical that the "best of the best" aren't just privates, I'd say we could whip a couple more, for a good ten ranks. Like add the missing two- and three-starred without the curved block and come up with one another insignia to represent the uppermost rank of PHALANX field agents.

I don't know at which rank they should start, but supposing they would use the NATO (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ranks_and_insignia_of_NATO_Armies_Enlisted) scale, OR-2 or 3 would make sense to me. Then just go up from there, picking a good name for the rank (for the English version, USA or UK ranks), and eventually get to the officers (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ranks_and_insignia_of_NATO_Armies_Officers) and pick the first few there.

For the missing insignia, perhaps something similiar to the PHALANX logo itself? Like a cross and a ball on top of one another?

PS. Sorry if I'm going too far into this and feel free to notify me if I accidentally infodumped you too much.

PPS. In case TrashMans mockup in the GUI thread (http://ufoai.ninex.info/forum/index.php?topic=4762.45) is accepted, I think it would make sense that your agents would have additional decoration showing their speciality, like I said there.
Title: Re: Shoulder Patches for new soldier models
Post by: H-Hour on May 25, 2010, 11:17:23 pm
I'm not too particular on the patches, but I would say don't mix the straight and angled arrows (second from left, top line). Other than that, they seem good.

With the colors, the problem with the yellow in my opinion was just that it was too saturated. Grey out the colors in the patches and the camo and I think you might like the results (or maybe not).
Title: Re: Shoulder Patches for new soldier models
Post by: Winter on May 29, 2010, 10:20:15 am
Well, here's some quick examples of other rank patterns - the colors came out funny, but this was quick-and-dirty.

I did this because I looked at the existing rank pictures, there's really not much there, mostly just different numbers of stars, some white and some yellow.

I really need some more feedback on where to take this - assuming an overlay layer is possible, without shaders as Kildor mentioned, what would be best to put on the shoulders?

Keep in mind that I can also put decorations on the sleeves, chest, back, and other places.

Also, should there be different decorations for soldier specialties?  Or just rank?

I think the patches as you made them are fine -- they're pretty close to current-day military epaulettes. They may be slightly big, however. If you want to make them more traditional, rank is usually worn on the shoulder and the unit badge on the arm, in two separate patches.

We certainly don't want any more decorations than simple unit and rank badges. It's easy to get carried away, but PHALANX is black ops special forces, and should feature minimal ostentatiousness.

Title: Re: Shoulder Patches for new soldier models
Post by: Destructavator on May 29, 2010, 01:56:41 pm
Well, here's an example of just a simple logo patch, without rank, on the shoulders.  Would this be good to have, and not take it any further?

(Yes, they came out stretched a bit, I can fix that.)
Title: Re: Shoulder Patches for new soldier models
Post by: Winter on May 30, 2010, 05:23:16 am
Well, here's an example of just a simple logo patch, without rank, on the shoulders.  Would this be good to have, and not take it any further?

(Yes, they came out stretched a bit, I can fix that.)

Good stuff. I like it.
