UFO:Alien Invasion

General => Tactics => Topic started by: firebird76 on September 22, 2009, 07:07:44 pm

Title: intercepting Ufos ( Harvesters)
Post by: firebird76 on September 22, 2009, 07:07:44 pm
Im having trouble intercepting harvesters, i read by a comment of a previous topic on a thing i asked about the same subject, but at the time i was using stilletos to intercept a harvester 1 only ...
Now i tried 3 sarracens armed with sparrows and t 20 pods and the 3rd with a cannon and of the 3 only 2 returned, 1 was shot down. All of them have ecms and 2 have targeting computers the 3r doesn't have because none were available to buy at the time.
So i ask to shot down a harvester with interceptors what do i need more or what configurations of thing i need to be able to shot down a harvester without any losses???
Title: Re: intercepting Ufos ( Harvesters)
Post by: geever on September 23, 2009, 12:04:49 am
Im having trouble intercepting harvesters, i read by a comment of a previous topic on a thing i asked about the same subject, but at the time i was using stilletos to intercept a harvester 1 only ...
Now i tried 3 sarracens armed with sparrows and t 20 pods and the 3rd with a cannon and of the 3 only 2 returned, 1 was shot down. All of them have ecms and 2 have targeting computers the 3r doesn't have because none were available to buy at the time.
So i ask to shot down a harvester with interceptors what do i need more or what configurations of thing i need to be able to shot down a harvester without any losses???

Alien aircraft plating and particle beam weapons for example.
