UFO:Alien Invasion
Development => Newbie Coding => Topic started by: Destructavator on August 10, 2009, 05:33:33 pm
BTW, is there an API documentation somewhere of the modified graphics engine?
Never mind, I figured it out after some research - This Doxygen program is quite impressive.
If anyone is interested, I've put together two uploads of the source docs for any potential coders to look at, it includes some coding TODOs although before anyone starts coding away I'd suggest making sure you're not coding something someone else is already working on.
HTML format (all platforms, open "index.html" with an internet browser):
Windows CHM help-file format (all in one file, Windows users can simply click on the file to open it, other platforms might need 3rd party viewers):
I probably should have named that last link differently, please don't confuse it with a binary installer.
Both links are roughly ~17 MB in size.
hopefully Zenerka will have a online copy online soon. we were talking about this a few days ago and he suggested to install a cron job that is updating from time to time. an up-to-date doxygen docu would be quite cool.
Yeah, when I will have time, I will do this. But if anyone else wants to do this, providing stable and reliable http:// source for daily-generated doxygen for trunk, be my guest. :)
I'd be willing to upload them periodically, although I can't promise they would be daily - though because of the smaller size it should be much easier than trying to upload binary installers of the whole game - I'll let Odie take care of that, as he's been doing a good job with the binary installers.
I'd be willing to upload them periodically, although I can't promise they would be daily - though because of the smaller size it should be much easier than trying to upload binary installers of the whole game - I'll let Odie take care of that, as he's been doing a good job with the binary installers.
Hehe, thanks Destructavator for compliments.
Back to recent issues, could u take a look at my other post regarding my recentmost abt compiling issues..... Do advise or pm me ok? Thanks. :D
http://ufoai.ninex.info/doxygen/ has (at least) daily-generated doxygen, based on trunk. Happy using! ;D
http://ufoai.ninex.info/doxygen/ has (at least) daily-generated doxygen, based on trunk. Happy using! ;D
All right! :D
One less thing I have to worry about for myself, so I can focus on other contributions...
(I actually just got a 404 error with that link, I'd imagine in a day or two that should change as this was just posted...)
Fixed :) If http://ufoai.ninex.info/doxygen/ fails for some reason, the same content is under http://ufoai.killlfile.pl/doxygen/
Yes, it works now. ;D
Quick question: Is there a way to download the whole thing to view offline? Not a real big deal, just curious.
No (except mirroring it with wget, for example), but if you want and mattn will agree, I can provide tar from the whole stuff.
Unless implementing an off-line download would be easy or without too much work, I wouldn't push for it, unless other people speak up and really want it. If it would take substantial work and not very many people want it then it probably wouldn't be worth it, and it would be better to leave it on-line as it is.
Just my personal viewpoint, although Mattn would of course make such a decision.
Myself I don't have a problem using the on-line version, but for passing around test binary installers I'd think it would be nice to include such files with the source code in the installers. That way if someone downloads test installer revision "X" and finds an issue that hasn't yet been fixed in the SVN, they have all that they need included to submit a patch.