UFO:Alien Invasion
Technical support => Feature Requests => Topic started by: HaJo on August 09, 2006, 09:35:26 pm
I have just updated to SVN-2497 via xdelta, and started a quick game to test.
Good news:
* there is a new button "Hire employees"
* savegames work again
Bad news:
* only soldiers are available (no workers, scientists, medics) yet
* the base does not have the 2 free scientists as before,
so you cannot research anything.
* Base#2 has an empty name
* edit during "rename base" does not echo the keystrokes
* mismatched Soldier-Names: the first soldier in the team
is shown with the name of first soldier in the hire-list
* The bug 'Cannot "Enter" mission site + Aircraft jumps away' is still there,
ufoconsole.log now says "Dropship not near landingzone: mis->active: 1"
* Picture for weapon_flac (aircraft) is gone
Issue 1537752 'Cannot "Enter" mission site' on sf.net, see
Issue 1537755 "Empty name for new base", see
Issue 1537759 "No scientists", see
Just for your information, in case you didn't read logs, the code is currently very broken, due to large changes to bases, employees, etc. So, for a week or two, bug reports have a small value, unless they are unknown on the IRC and from the current trunk SVN. But thank's a lot for previous bug reports (they will last us for long :) ) and for your patches.
the code is currently very broken,
Maybe someone from 'the developers' should coordinate with v29a
about the time / version when it is reasonable to create a new xdelta ?
Or even better, incorporate the xdeltas into the build-process ?
Otherwise, you should expect bugreports of outdated versions -
general users still try out RC3...