UFO:Alien Invasion
Development => Coding => Topic started by: Destructavator on July 15, 2009, 09:43:02 pm
I found that the batch file to create the pk3s doesn't include OGM videos in the "0vids.pk3" file - it only packs any RoQ files it finds.
Here is an updated .bat file, so anyone compiling and packaging on Windows can create an installer that includes the intro video.
Without this, only people who compile from SVN get the intro video, people who download test installers don't get it included.
This is also good because it would be nice if more people were able to test cinematic playback, to see if I'm the only one that gets stuttering audio in video files played in the game.
As a reminder (to save people the trouble of looking it up), anyone can test cinematic playback by opening the console in-game and typing "cinematic" and then the name of the video. Last time I checked the "cinematic" command by itself can also list available videos to play back.
I found that the batch file to create the pk3s doesn't include OGM videos in the "0vids.pk3" file - it only packs any RoQ files it finds.
Here is an updated .bat file, so anyone compiling and packaging on Windows can create an installer that includes the intro video.
Without this, only people who compile from SVN get the intro video, people who download test installers don't get it included.
This is also good because it would be nice if more people were able to test cinematic playback, to see if I'm the only one that gets stuttering audio in video files played in the game.
As a reminder (to save people the trouble of looking it up), anyone can test cinematic playback by opening the console in-game and typing "cinematic" and then the name of the video. Last time I checked the "cinematic" command by itself can also list available videos to play back.
Ah, thanks Destructavator!
I downloaded this and looked thru the script. Thanks for adding the ogm files at the last command.
I be using this for today's onwards compilations so that the folks can help u to test the ogms.
And oh, could u commit this to the trunk so that the other compilers folks here can have it running too?
Perhaps could verify with other devs whether the Linux based / Mac based machines have this issue with their 'scripts'. I am not familar with linux/mac compilations for UFOAI at all. lol. I know geever is with Linux at least, he tests this on his Linux baby too. ;)
And oh, could u commit this to the trunk so that the other compilers folks here can have it running too?
Actually I don't have access rights to upload anything into the SVN - I don't typically work on the code or make patches, and although I do know some C/C++ now I'm not a veteran coder and my coding would produce ugly-looking lines of code in the game, or even worse, screw up something that otherwise would have worked. (And for those reasons I never asked for such access to the SVN.) I would need more coding experience and develop my skills a bit further before I would feel comfortable being one of the project coders. Heck, it was just last week on one of my own little projects that I finally got through "syntax hell" and figured out the proper way to "extern" an array of structs or objects of a custom class in a program split into multiple files and headers, and then access a member variable of one of those objects/structs without making the compiler vomit. That and if I had to do it again I'd have to look back at the successful code I built as an example, I can't do such a thing from memory yet. ???
On the other hand, I did recently build from scratch my very own custom DLL file for the first time, before that all I ever built were .EXE files. ;D (...But don't ask me how to make a DLL from memory!) :P
Actually I don't have access rights to upload anything into the SVN - I don't typically work on the code or make patches, and although I do know some C/C++ now I'm not a veteran coder and my coding would produce ugly-looking lines of code in the game, or even worse, screw up something that otherwise would have worked. (And for those reasons I never asked for such access to the SVN.) I would need more coding experience and develop my skills a bit further before I would feel comfortable being one of the project coders. Heck, it was just last week on one of my own little projects that I finally got through "syntax hell" and figured out the proper way to "extern" an array of structs or objects of a custom class in a program split into multiple files and headers, and then access a member variable of one of those objects/structs without making the compiler vomit. That and if I had to do it again I'd have to look back at the successful code I built as an example, I can't do such a thing from memory yet. ???
On the other hand, I did recently build from scratch my very own custom DLL file for the first time, before that all I ever built were .EXE files. ;D (...But don't ask me how to make a DLL from memory!) :P
Haha.... dun worry. Everyone has their own strengths. :P
What i meant as the uploading and committing to svn is by means of patch summit. :P
That u will need sourceforge accnt. Very easy. Or maybe poke geever to do it for u. lol.
I have compiled it today just. It works fine. Now for me to port everything home and see if ogm is working fine. :P
Just to let u know that the script is working fine for me. I am sure it will for the rest, its a really simple but effective additional parameter. :D