UFO:Alien Invasion

Technical support => Feature Requests => Topic started by: Another Guy on June 09, 2009, 07:20:43 pm

Title: Antimatter storage
Post by: Another Guy on June 09, 2009, 07:20:43 pm
I suggest expanding Antimatter storage capacity to 10k units instad of actual 1k.

Gameplay arguments:
a) Reason is that it gets full simply too quick. a harverster one gets u 600 units on disassemble.
b) When aircraft start using up antimatter for both fuel and weapons, I'm sure 1k will deplete very quick too.

Plot arguments:
a) A ground base antimatter container is supose to store a LOT more of it than a aircraft can.
b) Since antimatter research report says that the instalation stores up to 10 grammes of antimatter, assuming 1 unit is 1 miligramme, 10k units is 10 grammes.
Title: Re: Antimatter storage
Post by: odie on June 10, 2009, 06:56:32 am
Just my personal point of view here too.

I agree with Another Guy, on the storage capacity. But i guess this (Anti matter issue) is still heavily under development. And i guess that this will be looked into, after some of the major and more impt issues like PF (Pathfinding) and many other works ongoing be done with first. :D

Be patient hence.

With development, i do believe that Antimatter will be somewhat like "ELERIUM" in original Xcom, unproducible but yet indispensible (for wpns, fuels, etc), and hence, should allow for 'bigger tanks' or somewhat stored indefinately (in amts and time).

For discussions.....
Title: Re: Antimatter storage
Post by: shevegen on June 12, 2009, 04:05:34 am
Antimatter sounds dangerous... can we have a miniscule chances of exploding bases under certain conditions? :-)
Title: Re: Antimatter storage
Post by: geever on June 12, 2009, 09:52:35 am
Antimatter sounds dangerous... can we have a miniscule chances of exploding bases under certain conditions? :-)

Code: [Select]
r24679 | geever | 2009-06-11 18:03:07 +0200 (cs, 11 jún 2009) | 1 line
* implement todo: destroying antimatter storage may destroy the base

Title: Re: Antimatter storage
Post by: Destructavator on June 13, 2009, 05:29:25 am
What if there wasn't a fixed maximum, but once you go above a certain point the chance and risk of an accident (Ka-Boom!) increases, as more and more antimatter is crammed in the thing?  Perhaps on a facility management screen for the building in the base there could then be an option to partly dispose of some of the stuff for safety when less is needed, and the management pop-up could also show how stressed the building is.
Title: Re: Antimatter storage
Post by: Four on June 13, 2009, 07:18:11 am
So, I understand the risks that antimatter storage could incur... but consider the following scenario: you've been fighting a highly successful campaign, striking down and disassembling a multitude of UFOs.  Your main base is packed to the gills with the stuff, when it simply blows up.  As antimatter cannot be produced by the player, it's rarity may end up much like that of Elerium, meaning that any loss of it, including a voluntary one, cannot be properly replaced and could be catastrophic.  A random chance of blowing up the base would put a damper on what could potentially be a highly influential resource: either you throw some away, or it all blows up.  Most likely, players would just keep it all, and load game when their base explodes.

On the other hand, I love the idea of the destruction of an Antimatter storage facility destroying the base.  I'm leafing through the code now, and I don't think this will be particularly difficult or unbalancing.  Realism may be a positive thing, for once...

In fact, I'm going to go ahead and code that in as an in-house modification, and play a couple dozen games with it.  I'll try to let you know how it turns out.
Title: Re: Antimatter storage
Post by: Darkpriest667 on June 18, 2009, 07:57:25 pm
I love you guys... finally some realism.. :-)
Title: Re: Antimatter storage
Post by: odie on June 28, 2009, 08:29:12 pm
How about a deep underground AM storage?

This way, u extract only the amount you need. Can have multiple off-base storage (like that of UFO Yards), and think of it more like ammo-depots??

We can also have the requirement to 'ship' that to the base required (i.e. time needed before arrival) if its to be used as fuel and ammunition in future).

Plus, since its extractable in probably 'containers', it can be stored safe in small 'quantities' much like 'tubes' / 'storage tanks'.

Okie, raw ideas to be refined (heavily).
Title: Re: Antimatter storage
Post by: vedrit on June 29, 2009, 09:51:54 am
Actually, thats a good idea. In the X-COM game, in the alien bases/UFOs, the fuel wasnt stored in a single, giant container, but in several smaller containers. If damaged, they sometimes blew up surrounding containers, and sometimes didnt.
Title: Re: Antimatter storage
Post by: Darkpriest667 on June 30, 2009, 02:17:12 pm
Actually, thats a good idea. In the X-COM game, in the alien bases/UFOs, the fuel wasnt stored in a single, giant container, but in several smaller containers. If damaged, they sometimes blew up surrounding containers, and sometimes didnt.

which was really nerve wracking when you had 3 or 4 guys right by those elerium tanks and the aliens are firing down the hall and hitting the wall right by them.. and on rare occasions they would chain blow up.. one would cause the rest of them to explode.
Title: Re: Antimatter storage
Post by: Gunner on July 19, 2009, 02:13:01 pm
So, I understand the risks that antimatter storage could incur... but consider the following scenario: you've been fighting a highly successful campaign, striking down and disassembling a multitude of UFOs.  Your main base is packed to the gills with the stuff, when it simply blows up.  As antimatter cannot be produced by the player, it's rarity may end up much like that of Elerium, meaning that any loss of it, including a voluntary one, cannot be properly replaced and could be catastrophic.  A random chance of blowing up the base would put a damper on what could potentially be a highly influential resource: either you throw some away, or it all blows up.  Most likely, players would just keep it all, and load game when their base explodes.

On the other hand, I love the idea of the destruction of an Antimatter storage facility destroying the base.  I'm leafing through the code now, and I don't think this will be particularly difficult or unbalancing.  Realism may be a positive thing, for once...

In fact, I'm going to go ahead and code that in as an in-house modification, and play a couple dozen games with it.  I'll try to let you know how it turns out.

they would probably implement it as aliens attacking and destroying it. so it becomes a defend at all costs structure
Title: Re: Antimatter storage
Post by: criusmac on July 19, 2009, 03:33:51 pm
So, why is antimatter not able to be created in the game? I mean, we create this stuff today, in real life, right? We just don't have a way to store it once it's created...
Title: Re: Antimatter storage
Post by: odie on July 19, 2009, 08:23:09 pm
So, why is antimatter not able to be created in the game? I mean, we create this stuff today, in real life, right? We just don't have a way to store it once it's created...

Eh, no. We dont create this stuff in real life today. There is a very promising physicist here in the forum: He can do a much better job than i at explaining this to u.

As for game, well, its not easy to store AM (Anti matter) and the developers are still working on this issue. Give em some time. Just enjoy the other aspects of this game ok? If u really want to read up more on this, go search the old threads a bit on whats discussed first before commenting ok? :D

Btw, blog digging threads > 1 month old may not be helpful, unless u really got good ideas to suggest. I suggest u read the older posts, digest and play the game a bit more, then see how u can suggest / add on to the current 'old threads' ok? :D
Title: Re: Antimatter storage
Post by: Hertzila on July 19, 2009, 10:24:23 pm
Actually we do make antimatter in real life. The problem is that we can only make absolutely pitiful amounts of it. As stated in the Ufopedia, it would take WAY too many years to produce even one ingame unit of it. IIRC, making enough antimatter to power a lightbulp takes enough energy to power the whole USA for some time (don't remember how long, something in style of month) with our current techs.
Title: Re: Antimatter storage
Post by: odie on July 21, 2009, 05:57:47 am
Actually we do make antimatter in real life. The problem is that we can only make absolutely pitiful amounts of it. As stated in the Ufopedia, it would take WAY too many years to produce even one ingame unit of it. IIRC, making enough antimatter to power a lightbulp takes enough energy to power the whole USA for some time (don't remember how long, something in style of month) with our current techs.

Ah, that is correct Hertzila, that is why there is no way to 'create' this. lol. Or should i say, create this in an amount that is meaningful for any usage. But u r right to say that the current tech (or should i say, the current 'experiments') have failed and will continue to fail in producing any significant AM for usage, IF it does not have further breakthrus. :P

Aniwae, AM is as good as plasma rifles in modern warfare - A sci-fi-like dream. :P
Title: Re: Antimatter storage
Post by: Vio on July 21, 2009, 03:30:41 pm
You would have to find a good reason why it is unavoidable to store those amounts of antimatter (10g = 30+ Hiroshima Bombs according to "UFO Theory") in the bases. Maybe because anywhere else would be impractical - or even more irresponsible?

But please do... I like the idea of "defending it at all cost", too.