UFO:Alien Invasion
Development => Mapping => Topic started by: zark on May 12, 2009, 12:55:57 am
I have made a new map for UFO AI: a ferry map. I started it a long time ago so it doesn't fit well with the current "trends" (no RMA, no mission on water...) but I wanted to do something different from the existing maps. It's supposed to work for single player (as soon as mission on water are supported ;)) or multi player. So I hope it can still be usefull for 2.3.
Well anyway here are some screenshots:
And I have put the textures, map file, material.. in patch submission 2790346 (https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=2790346&group_id=157793&atid=805244) on sourceforge (a good file sharing tool ;) )
Any feedback is welcome !
Known defects:
- stairs don't work (they did before :-P)
- surely many details to improve
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Stairs probably aren't your fault. They don't work in lots of other places.
Otherwise, great to see a new map.
Thanks for the new map. As i've written on the tracker already, it would be nice if you could also provide the last missing files to make the integration into the game complete:
- radar images (see base/pics/radars)
- loading screen (see base/pics/loading)
- shots for the menus (see base/pics/shots)
Thanks for integrating my map
I have started to look into shots, radar...
For radar I don't understand why you're using fixed images as UFO already include a tool to generate it ?
Wouldn't it be better to use the tool in game ?
Thats an open task, IMO