UFO:Alien Invasion

General => Discussion => Topic started by: Dusty on February 21, 2009, 07:27:56 pm

Title: Snipers, and some questions
Post by: Dusty on February 21, 2009, 07:27:56 pm
Wonder how many of you use an all 8 snipers team

I use in general 6 snipers and 2 heavy, or 7 snipers and 1 heavy

Some questions;

How can i build vehicles? like light tanks?, or is a feature not implemeted yet?
The skills of the soldiers have something to do with the country from they come?

Oh and my first post, salutes!
Title: Re: Snipers, and some questions
Post by: vedrit on February 21, 2009, 07:46:00 pm
Wow...you have a VERY sniper-heavy team. Why not diversify a little?

Building vehicles, no, I dont think thats implimented, aside from aircraft or ammo for the UGV that you buy.
Im preatty sure the skills are random.

And hello!
Title: Re: Snipers, and some questions
Post by: Dusty on February 21, 2009, 08:16:09 pm
Yea :)

I think it was because in one mission my team was ambushed by tamals, they killed 4 out of 7 ...all them with rifles :(, the lizards are very nasty also

So i just moved to snipers, and found they were very effective, or best fitting with my platstyle

Sadly there is not other effective sniper weapon, other than the sniper rifle, since the bolt rifle is not that effective

But yes i think is should add some rifles, but for that are the 2 heavy weapon rambos :)
Title: Re: Snipers, and some questions
Post by: odie on March 12, 2009, 07:15:41 am
Wonder how many of you use an all 8 snipers team

I use in general 6 snipers and 2 heavy, or 7 snipers and 1 heavy

Some questions;

How can i build vehicles? like light tanks?, or is a feature not implemeted yet?
The skills of the soldiers have something to do with the country from they come?

Oh and my first post, salutes!

OOooo, Dusty, u met another of ur kind.
Mine is usually full sniper team. Recent dev 2.3, i use 7 snipers, with the 8th carry the Rocket launchers (I love em!). Out of the 7 snipes, 4 would be full time snipers. 3 would carry the stun rods for moving in close (these usually have excellent or good close combat).

Otherwise, i would just snipe all i could, lure enemies to fire at me (from far away and me proned). Then i would surround the bugger and kiss his arss tata.
Title: Re: Snipers, and some questions
Post by: BTAxis on March 12, 2009, 10:39:27 am
You know, the fact that there are such different play styles out there (some people swear by grenade launchers, others take flamers, you people take snipers, etc) makes me think the balancing is at least a little in the right direction.
Title: Re: Snipers, and some questions
Post by: Captain Bipto on March 12, 2009, 10:00:00 pm
I never used snipers when I first starting playing this game...i don't know if it is 2.3 or what but snipers appear to be more useful now than when I was playing 2.2.1.

When I do use snipers I try to produce coilguns and bolters ASAP. Before I would tech/produce laser rifles and pistols, then the heavy weapon.

Title: Re: Snipers, and some questions
Post by: odie on March 21, 2009, 05:45:28 am
You know, the fact that there are such different play styles out there (some people swear by grenade launchers, others take flamers, you people take snipers, etc) makes me think the balancing is at least a little in the right direction.

Yupz yupz. I thnk the current balancing are quite nice for the assault, snipers weapons - as i have been so active on em. I also still believe in all rounded weapons.

The onli ones i feel out of balance are the close combat and the long range high explosives.

This might be out of topic, but i ma placing it down, so shift this thread if need. :D

1) Close combat - i feel that as a real life semi auto weapons specialist (i was in army 2.5 years and still in reservist yearly), the close combat weapons are critical to me. I enjoyed my SAW (http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/land/m249.htm) and is trained to use em. But i would not want to engage this weapon if i am forced into FIBUA (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urban_warfare). One good game to illustrate this is Operation Flashpoint (http://www.flashpoint1985.com/).

I feel that current close combat wpns take up too much TU. Simply stated.

2) Long range / Explosives - by far, i am also trained as an Armored Pioneer (my vocation). And well, i deal with all sortas explosives..... which are far more devastating in real life than in UFOAI. lol. Maybe its the non-destructive landscape that makes it feels less potent. Aniwae, i feel that this could too, be better balanaced. :)
Title: Re: Snipers, and some questions
Post by: BTAxis on March 21, 2009, 09:12:21 am
Maybe you have a point with the close TU cost, but I want to be very careful with the explosive damage. I tuned it down once already because they were too powerful, particularly the grenade launcher. I certainly don't want to touch this until the armour arsenal fills out, and the grenade bouncing is fixed.
Title: The map?
Post by: Lew Yard on March 22, 2009, 12:15:38 am
Surely load-out choice depends upon the map?  I can't see a sniper-heavy setup being optimal for clearing building interiors, compared to gas grenades, lasers, or going PlasmaWoo.  Whereas going PlasmaWoo on maps like the dam is probably a pretty bad idea.
Title: Re: Snipers, and some questions
Post by: Captain Bipto on March 22, 2009, 07:01:14 am
Excellent point about the map determining load out. Are there any plans to allow the players access to pre-mission intel such as a sneak peak of the map via satellite photos?

Title: Re: Snipers, and some questions
Post by: BTAxis on March 22, 2009, 09:47:39 am
Sort of. We intend to use mission briefings that tell you a little about the map, which can give you a clue about what weapons to use. No preview, though.
Title: Re: Snipers, and some questions
Post by: odie on March 22, 2009, 01:57:00 pm
Maybe you have a point with the close TU cost, but I want to be very careful with the explosive damage. I tuned it down once already because they were too powerful, particularly the grenade launcher. I certainly don't want to touch this until the armour arsenal fills out, and the grenade bouncing is fixed.
Yupz, i understand that this should be close to last stage of game execution - at balancing and fine tuning.
I am alrite with that. :) A point though, GL (AGL - automatic grenade launchers if ever on UGV), they should be just good enough like grenades. But rockets? Hmmm, i recommend they be more potent. Lol.

Oh yar, i did not exactly understand the armour vs wpn strength algorithims. But if its a armour points that requires minus and stuff, perhaps that could be striped off abit in the case of rockets.... that way, its significantly more powerful than that of the GL but not yet not enuf to overwhelm. :D

Surely load-out choice depends upon the map?  I can't see a sniper-heavy setup being optimal for clearing building interiors, compared to gas grenades, lasers, or going PlasmaWoo.  Whereas going PlasmaWoo on maps like the dam is probably a pretty bad idea.

Ah ha, the current issue is that there are no loadouts preplanning possible based on maps.... why? Cos there is no mission briefing screen. I believed that this is under planning. Look out for that. :) Hence, when we have at least an idea (like in FIBUA or Wildlands fight), we would be better able to plan our strategy.

For now, its functionalities that the folks are working on fast and furious. :P
Title: Re: Snipers, and some questions
Post by: odie on March 22, 2009, 01:57:55 pm
And oh, until then, i am sticking with my sniper super squads with my usual rocket specialist and perhaps 1 or 2 machine ultraman. :P
Title: Re: Snipers, and some questions
Post by: BigFan on March 26, 2009, 06:42:43 pm
G'day again all

Imo i found that an all snipers team made this game too easy, apart from being unlucky and eating 2 or 3 long range shots from the aliens, having a all sniper team wouldnt give the aliens any chance at all.. now i know some will think "isnt that the point, to snipe your enemy b4 they have the chance to do the same".. ill have to agree.. but for the sake of enjoyable gameplay and not overkilling i prefer to use a setup like/but not restricted to...

2 snipers (1 with standard sniper rifle the other with Particle Beam Rifle.. ive also noticed a very big difference with the 2 in accuracy.. but the particle rifles discription states it has a lower accuracy)

4 Assult  (being a bigfan of UFO: Enemy Unknown, i decided to play with the plasma rifle's.. 2 of these will be my main pushers and will do the grunt work of hunting out and killing all the aliens, i have recently givin them stun-rods so i can capture some live aliens due to the fact that i forgot to do it when i was first notified about the new propsals.. i have also replaced thier plasma nades with flashbangs to assist with stunning... the other 2 will be close support for my 2 snipers which i will postion in the best highground spots i can find, map dependant, basicly these 2 will watch the snipers backs if there is no cover already..

this seems to leave a challange in the game that is lacking with an all sniper team.. but again.. this is only my opinion ..

Title: Re: Snipers, and some questions
Post by: Valis on March 26, 2009, 08:27:30 pm
I just do not know how do you guys take on cleaning the big ships without assault or heavy guns.

Snipers take up to half of my teams weapons sometimes as they are reliable with their long range but to manoeuvre in short, curvy corridors you have to have a rapid fire gun. You take then something with smaller range but bigger fire power. For taking ships also one flame-thrower is nice.
Title: Re: Snipers, and some questions
Post by: BigFan on March 26, 2009, 08:34:04 pm
Sorry to say i havent tried the flamethrower as of yet.. still running my 1st time through on this new version..

not sure how it will go in clearing a big ship, ive yet to see anything bigger than a harvester.. and a crashed one at that (i have trouble not destroying them) but i quite enjoyed the Halo inspired plasma pistol, i could pump out a fair amount of shots with it, but again.. not sure how that will go on a more heavily armoured alien
Title: Re: Snipers, and some questions
Post by: Captain Bipto on March 26, 2009, 08:36:33 pm
Yeah I like flamethrowers for certain things such as building clearing. I always have at least one coilgun sniper for hard hitting. I used to shy away from sniper weapons until the coilgun came out in dev, but the thought of an all coilgun team is laughable (which means the devs did a good job) but possible...it would just be a sloooow game.
Title: Re: Snipers, and some questions
Post by: odie on March 31, 2009, 11:23:59 am
I just do not know how do you guys take on cleaning the big ships without assault or heavy guns.

Snipers take up to half of my teams weapons sometimes as they are reliable with their long range but to manoeuvre in short, curvy corridors you have to have a rapid fire gun. You take then something with smaller range but bigger fire power. For taking ships also one flame-thrower is nice.

Hehe, u will be glad to hear of my secondary weapons in this case - submachine guns. :P I have pretty much (almost) everyone having a stun rod for close combat trophy bring home. :P
Title: Re: Snipers, and some questions
Post by: Surrealistik on April 02, 2009, 07:04:04 am
The moment I get coilguns and sufficient ammo for them, I use an all sniper team, with grenade launcher secondaries loaded with plasma rounds, medikits and plasma blades. At present this is easily the optimal loadout.
Title: Re: Snipers, and some questions
Post by: Baal on April 04, 2009, 06:44:07 pm
Hello people, 1st post  ;)

I don't use 8 sniper team. Ok they are sharp and deadly, but ennemis usually hide. I use smg, GL (very usefull ! But need chemical/smoke/flashbang grenades), flamethrower.
First i used to rush in combat. But i discovered it's the wrong way to play. You need your soldiers to survive. 1 hide them, 2 find a way to hit the aliens. And since they are hinding, you need to approach them or take the by surprise.
So there is my usual team :
1 flamethrower
3 soldiers with smg or other auto weapons
2 snipers
2 heavy/explosive (GL)
Everybody with hand grenades. Those with enought place, medikits
Title: Re: Snipers, and some questions
Post by: Borsti67 on April 06, 2009, 05:45:45 pm
Hi Baal,
1 hide them, 2 find a way to hit the aliens.
Since you need to protect civilians, I don't think you can hide and wait without finally losing the game...
Title: Re: Snipers, and some questions
Post by: Baal on April 06, 2009, 11:10:57 pm
Of course, i'm just talking about hiding the soldiers at the very beginning of the game. When they appear all around the ship and have aliens in sight. My first idea was to shot immediatly. But in very difficult it's a very bad idea ! When all your soldiers are dead, nobody left to save civilians ;)
Title: Re: Snipers, and some questions
Post by: Captain Bipto on April 07, 2009, 01:38:09 am
When I have 2 coilguns (i have just stopped using the bolter at this point) I always try to peg at least two aliens I can see. I tried that with bolters and well...i would have done more damage throwing my TUs at the guy.