UFO:Alien Invasion
Development => Artwork => Topic started by: TrashMan on January 16, 2009, 11:12:28 pm
A quick concept for the general shape.
Is this thing supposed to land?
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A quick concept for the general shape.
Is this thing supposed to land?
I like it. And no, the Battleship is never supposed to land, it's purely a combat ship. Not sure yet if we're going to include any infantry on it, but regardless, any troops it needs to deploy can be air-dropped or shuttled down.
Good.. I still got thousands of polygons left to burn :) (4096 is the limit IIRC?)
Looks interesting. By the way, in case you hadn't caught on, we're also going to need a low-poly version for the geoscape. It's a good idea to keep that in mind when building the model.
An old habbit of mine is to make a low-poly model, and then add details, saving in several stages. That way I got several different LODs easily.
Can someone tell me the approximate length? I need some sense of scale.
It should be about as long as the Bomber. I don't know if that helps.
I like it.
For some reason though, whenever I think "Alien Battleship" I think something the size of an airship or earth battleship ship bristling with guns and engines and whatnot.
But your design is good to. I'd like to fly in it.
It is a space battleship my belief is that a "battleship" class spaceship would be very large.. possibly 400-1000 m in length and 50 to 100 m wide and 50 to 100 m deep. as large as a modern aircraft carrier or larger.
It is a space battleship my belief is that a "battleship" class spaceship would be very large.. possibly 400-1000 m in length and 50 to 100 m wide and 50 to 100 m deep. as large as a modern aircraft carrier or larger.
Not going to happen -- even the Battleship needs to be launched from a Carrier UFO, for reasons relating to the FTL drive technology.
Plus we'd never get it on a map.
Sooo..can I get a rough estimate of it's length in meters please?
The Bomber is about 60 meters long (assuming one game space to be 1 square meter). So that's the sort of size you should aim for.
Not going to happen -- even the Battleship needs to be launched from a Carrier UFO, for reasons relating to the FTL drive technology.
Again winter this is just a non realistic conclusion.. look at the size of a modern aircraft carrier or the size of the missouri class battle ship ... at least 400 meters long... 50 meters deep 25 to 50 meters wide... I was just pointing out what REAL ships in that class are... what you want to do is your business... however i was pointing out the facts.. Thankyou.. and i know about the carrier ufo.. which leads me to this question
How are you going to design a map for the carrier UFO ... its apparently a very large ship.. and therefor unmappable by your standards
How are you going to design a map for the carrier UFO ... its apparently a very large ship.. and therefor unmappable by your standards
As far as I understand, carrier UFO is somewhat specific type of UFO, second only to mothership. And I think its size thing would be handled somehow, e.g. splitting it into several maps or limiting the mission to FTL engine room only.
Again winter this is just a non realistic conclusion.. look at the size of a modern aircraft carrier or the size of the missouri class battle ship ... at least 400 meters long... 50 meters deep 25 to 50 meters wide... I was just pointing out what REAL ships in that class are... what you want to do is your business... however i was pointing out the facts.. Thankyou.. and i know about the carrier ufo.. which leads me to this question
How are you going to design a map for the carrier UFO ... its apparently a very large ship.. and therefor unmappable by your standards
So . . . alien UFOs have to conform to human size standards? What kind of screwed-up reasoning is that? The Battleship is going to be the largest UFO that will realistically fit in one of the Carrier's hangar bays, and that's that.
Also, thanks for assuming we're such complete retards that we've not given a single thought to how to map the Carrier. We've CERTAINLY not decided on the solutions months ago. Nosirree.
Again winter this is just a non realistic conclusion.. look at the size of a modern aircraft carrier or the size of the missouri class battle ship ... at least 400 meters long... 50 meters deep 25 to 50 meters wide... I was just pointing out what REAL ships in that class are... what you want to do is your business... however i was pointing out the facts.. Thankyou.. and i know about the carrier ufo.. which leads me to this question
An Iowa class battleship is 276 meters in length, not 400. Still pretty bg :P
enterprise CV is 360 meters..
And winter i didnt know about the alien carrier... it hadnt been mentioned in design before now..
you guys are smart.. I dont assume stupidity or anything. I was just wondering
How about a slightly different approach: Battleship is a description of its role and firepower, not its size. :)
Our battlehips are just that big out of pure necessity, our canons are big our amror is thick, they have only one side to mount things on and they need lots of space and supplies for the huge crew and the engines.
How about a slightly different approach: Battleship is a description of its role and firepower, not its size. :)
Yes, that'll work.
enterprise CV is 360 meters..
342. Yes, I nitpick.
I always love coming back here and watching what you're up to. Nice battleship.