UFO:Alien Invasion
Offtopic => Offtopic => Topic started by: Montgomery on November 24, 2008, 06:26:43 am
Hi everyone, most of us have heard about UFO’s and all the stuff about the reports on them. There have been research on them and many things said and done, but it is still not clear if they really do exist or not. What do you people say on this?
I believe in UFO's but not in Little Green Men or all that Roswell crap.
And for everyone's information, they don't hide UFO's at Area 51.
Area 51 is where they test high tech weapons systems. It's where the F-117 Stealth Fighter was born.
There is one more off-topic again??
We are only life in Universe. And Universe is not exist. We all lives in flat world. And say Hello to second Elefant.
And stars is light lightning into the holes in crystal shell of Earth.
We all live in private universes with diameter of our heads...
This is an all time discussion. I just wonder that this may go on for a long time, as you said, there are many researches been undertaken to discover the truth about them but many have been without any verified results. Some do believe that the results have not been fully disclosed and yet there have been some interesting findings about them. For better information, you can check out visited http://www.ufo-sightings-evidence.com/ for more insight into this matter.