UFO:Alien Invasion
Technical support => Feature Requests => Topic started by: TrashMan on November 19, 2008, 08:21:44 pm
Can't switch aircraft or systems (weapons, armor, pilot, electronics) with the GUI bottuns.
I managed to switch aircraft with the mouse wheel, but not the equipment.
Currently the equipment is stuck on weapons..ergo, one can't add ECM or armor.
Also, when I tried to arm a Saracen, I couldn't select the second weapon bank. I could equipp the right one with a weapon, but clicking on the left one did nothing the right one remained selected.
Revision number for the code was...20169 methinks. Compiled almost 2 days ago..
It should be fixed (today, ~r20257). Please try the latest.
Yup, works now. One has to click on the very edge on the item box, but one can now select them and switch trough equipment.
but another problem (which was there before but I forgot to report it. it's still here). - I can't produce anything in my bases. Teh bottuns for ordering itme production are gone. there's nothing to click.
but another problem (which was there before but I forgot to report it. it's still here). - I can't produce anything in my bases. Teh bottuns for ordering itme production are gone. there's nothing to click.
Hello. I dont know about production, but about ordering buttons: have you check it soon? I check it, we can order the production, only thing i see is a problem with the current selected item when we change the order (hilighted item dont move with the change we request).
Here you only have the list of items you can product.
You must first create a new production: can you click on the right blue arrow near the item preview?
LOL...tehy changed hte way it worked! No wonder I couldn't produce anything!!!
Excuse me, I gotta go hide in shame.
It should be fixed (today, ~r20257). Please try the latest.
I'm using r20247 of 2.3 dev. When equipping the troopship, I am unable to click on the right hand equipment box to install a second fuel pod. Do you know if that has been fixed?
Yes. That's we're talking about.
Here's a screenshot of the problem:
it was me who removed the non-applicable buttons that remove items and change priority for unqueued items. ;D
I would like to see + and - symbols on the queueing icons.
Yup, works now. One has to click on the very edge on the item box, but one can now select them and switch trough equipment.
See above
it was me who removed the non-applicable buttons that remove items and change priority for unqueued items. ;D
I would like to see + and - symbols on the queueing icons.
I do some proposal, but its not for soon http://ufoai.ninex.info/wiki/index.php/Image:Proposal_Base_Production.jpg
I dont understand very well where you want to add + and - ; but we can sure make some little changes. What about a button "Start production" for the available items. And a button "Remove production", a spinner for the quantity, and 2 arrow for priority for a selected production. We also can think about a way to set titles, as we can see on my proposal.
I do some proposal, but its not for soon http://ufoai.ninex.info/wiki/index.php/Image:Proposal_Base_Production.jpg
I dont understand very well where you want to add + and - ; but we can sure make some little changes. What about a button "Start production" for the available items. And a button "Remove production", a spinner for the quantity, and 2 arrow for priority for a selected production. We also can think about a way to set titles, as we can see on my proposal.
I know your proposals and therefor did not propose big changes (as I know that there will be such)
I thought about changing the icon to include a + or - symbol, to make it more clearly.