UFO:Alien Invasion
Technical support => Feature Requests => Topic started by: Lotok on September 28, 2008, 09:25:31 pm
Has anyone experienced issues where they cannot play mp games. If i try to enter a MP game i just get punted back to the main menu. Happening on 2.3 dev.
Any suggestions?
cheers folks.
2.3 Dev? I'm not a coder, but I'd imagine that if you were trying to play multiplayer with a Development snapshot, SVN, pre-built, or otherwise, that it would *not* be compatible with a stable release server, given the substantial changes in 2.3 since 2.2.1 was released. I could be wrong, but I think you would need to have another player or server running the exact same build version for it to have any chance of working.
Assuming I'm correct, and I heard you right, I would recommend using only a stable release (one from the sourceforge download page) for multiplayer.
Its my server, both players and server are running the same version. latest Windows release.
any console output?
I will double check when I get home but pretty sure it was along the lines of
unable to connect to <ip>
The server has Quake2 ports open, and so does the clients, infact without this being done the client wont even see the hosted game.
I have tried disabling Windows firewall as well to be sure it does not block the game.
Anything else that I may not be considering?
Thanks for your help.
we are not using udp - but tcp - keep that in mind.
also your server should be shown at http://ufoai.ninex.info/ufo/serverlist.txt - otherwise you should double check your fw settings
It shows on the server list. Will check if i left it set to UDP and let you know
cheers for the help.
hmm, The error was -
ERROR: Server is not reachable
I have checked that server and clients use TCP.
Tried Disabling the firewall on both machines.
Checked machines all show on the server list txt file.
made sure the server is set to sv_public 1
I dameware on to the server from the client machine so connectivity isnt an issue.
i will check this asap - will let you know about changes
i've checked multiplayer with current trunk- and it works - so it must be something on your side.
Ok thanks, will need to work it out from this end then.
Cant think what though...