UFO:Alien Invasion

Technical support => Windows => Topic started by: thatdan23 on September 27, 2008, 09:13:21 am

Title: Getting...static?
Post by: thatdan23 on September 27, 2008, 09:13:21 am
I'm experiencing an effect with UFO:AI on my machine that can be at best described as getting static.  Yes static like an old antenna TV.  It's very strange.  The weird thing is the game started out just fine and the only issue was occasional hiccups.  I switched to full screen and everything was fine until I got a few more hiccups (pauses) and then the static issue.

I'm using a Intel Q6600, 2 x Nvidia GEForce 8600 in SLI (I've also disabled the SLI) and have the latest drivers, any thoughts?
Title: Re: Getting...static?
Post by: Goham on December 23, 2008, 02:01:03 pm
I also get the static sound, running 2.2.1, annoying for sure
Title: Re: Getting...static?
Post by: Destructavator on December 23, 2008, 05:58:46 pm
Are you two talking about static audio only, or static as in your display on the montior/screen craps out for a moment?

I've heard static audio only when playing the game sometimes on my desktop, although I use very special soundcards and audio equipment that typical home computers and even typical gamers do not have, because of my DAW rig and recording equipment for music.

If it is only audio, can either of you offer hardware information including what soundcards you have?
Title: Re: Getting...static?
Post by: Salvo on March 08, 2009, 02:51:42 pm
I get audio static too. It happens always when the music track changes, never mid-song. A workaround is to save, exit to main menu (at which point the static goes away) and load the savegame. I know... works in geoscape only. Using XP Pro, Creative XtremeGamer soundcard, drivers maybe few months old. All audio settings at default (ingame, OS, soundcard software settings). At least they should be... ffdshow codec pack installed. And Winamp. In case this that is helpful somehow. Game version at 2.2.1.
EDIT: Oh, and the static always goes away when the music track changes again.
Title: Re: Getting...static?
Post by: Mattn on March 08, 2009, 03:05:46 pm
set the cvar snd_music_crackleWorkaround to 1
Title: Re: Getting...static?
Post by: Salvo on March 10, 2009, 05:24:07 pm
After I did that, the game freezed 2 seconds after loading a savegame. :|